Chapter 9: To the mall we go!

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Midknight: Neko!

Neko: Yeah whats up?

Midknight: Wanna go to the mall and hang out?

Neko:Sure why not.

Kameron: Can I come?

Slender: No Hun let them have fun.

Kameron: Fine, but be back by five p.m

Midknight: Don't worry we will.*Yanks Neko through the door*

Kameron: Now that they are gone we can proceed with the other dares.

Inu:*Walks in* What other dares?

Slender: @Naomi_aka_naynay dares you to run like hell.She also dares that offendor gets to rape you.

Inu:*Shivers* Why would she do such a thing

Kameron: Who knows but a dare is dare. Offendor Rape Inu.

Offendor: Finally! Lets have some FUN!

Inu: Only if you can catch me! *runs*

Offendor: Get back here!

Kameron: Neko is so going to kill us for that.

Slender: Yeah, but oh well he'll get over it.

*At le mall*

Midkight: What should we do first?

Neko: Lets go to the arcade.

Midknight: Ok

Neko and Midknight:*playing dance dance revolition*

Neko: I'm winning!

Midknight: Not for long*dances twice as hard.*

*crowd gathers*

Neko and Midknight: * finish in a tie.*

Crowd: * cheers and applauds.*

Midknight: Huh were we that good?

Neko: Yeah, apparently we were awesome.

Midknight: So what next?

Neko: All that dancing made me hungry lets go to the food court and eat something.

*In the food court*

Neko: *carrying a plate piled high with all types of food.* Where should we sit?

Midknight: * Carrying a plate with piazza on it like a damn normal person* I don't know.

????: Neko come sit over here!

Neko: *Turns his head* Sophie is that you!

Midknight: A friend of yours I assume?

Neko: No she is my sister.

Sophie: So who is this?

Neko: This is my friend Midknight

Sophie: Nice to meet you Midknight.

Midknight: Nice to meet you too.

Sophie: So how did you meet my baby brother?

Midknight: My father took me to live with him at the mansion and I met Neko when I got there.

Sophie: Let me guess your dad is slenderman.

Midknight: Yeah how did you guess?

Sophie: You have his slender mark in your left eye.

Midknight: So people can see that I have a glowing red mark in my left eye?

Sophie: No its invisible to normal people, but pastas can see it.

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