Chapter 1: It Begins

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Kameron and Sally:*Having a tea party in the living room*

Anthony:*Walks in to see Kameron in a large frilly pink dress.*0__0 PFFFFFFFFFFFTTTT XD HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

Kaitlin:*Walks in and sees me on the ground.Looks to see Kameron in her dress*Ahhhhh you look adorable XD

Kameron:Hahaha Very fahkin funny how would you like to try on a dress that sally makes for you.

Kaitlin: *Shrugs*Sure I'd wear one if Offender would love it.

Anthony:*died laughing*

Kameron*'-_- sighs* Hey Anthony Offenders behind you!

Anthony:*Jumps extremely high and holds onto the chandelier* Where?! Keep him away from me!!

Kameron: Works every time.XD*Laughs Evily*

Anthony:* Jumps down*Thats not funny Kammy.

Kameron:What in the blue hell have I told you about calling me Kammy!


Kaitlin:Offender get in here!!

Offender:You called my love

 Kaitlin: rape those two.

Anthony and Kameron: *look up in suprise.*


Kameron:Who you callin' a b*tch?!

Anthony:Just run like you on fire!

Offender:*Licks LIps*Take the roses

Anthony and Kameron:*Look at each other*Never!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*Runs to Japan*

Offender:You won't get away that easily*Teleports*

Sally:What a bunch of idiots*looks at Kaitlin* Now you're gonna have a tea party with me.-3-

Kaitlin:You know I have somewhere else to be right now.*Slowly backs towards the door.*

Sally*Draws knives* B*tch get back here!!!!!!!!

Kaitlin:NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!*Runs like her life depends on it.

Kimberley: Post dares so that we all can do something stupid next time.BAI!!!!!!!!!!

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