Chapter Five: Death Note Wars

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*In Le mansion*

Neko:Kameron I'm bored.

Kameron: Me Too.*Sighs*

Jeff: If your so bored how about you come killing with me and Slender.

Neko: Sounds great! (^_^)

Kameron: *Jumps on Neko's back* Mush Potato we have people to kill.

Neko:Do i look like a damn sleigh dog to you.

Kameron:Yes you do.*Pulls out whip* Now move!

Neko:*Runs fast as hell*

Kaitlin: I swear those two are complete idiots some times.

Kimberley:I know right.

*In a random neighborhood.

Neko:I got this house you get the next one.

Kameron:Ok*Teleports into the house*

Neko:*Climbs up the side of the house and uses his claws to carve a hole in the glass then jumps in*

Kameron:*Slashing people in half with her scythe*The mor you resist the more it will hurt.

Neko:*Slitting the throats of a woman and her husband while they sleep*Just don't wake up and it won't hurt.

*After 5 hours and the destruction of an entire neighborhood.*

Jeff:What the hell did you guys do?

Kameron:We had fun.*Sunglasses fall from the sky and land on her face*

Neko:Now i'm tired lets go home.*Puts Kameron on his back and runs really fast*



*Back at Le Mansion*

Neko:What happened here?*Looks at the crubling mansion*

Kimberley:*Throws Bob out of the window*The Deathnote shall be mine!

Kameron:What the hell are you talking about you crazy b*tch?!

Kimberley:MIsa stopped by and told us that she didn't want her dethnote anymore.

Neko:So you decided to fight over it.

Kaitlin:*Gets hit by Jane and crashes into Kimberley*Yup.

Kameron:I wanna join!

Neko:I don't want the deathnote,but i guess i'll join in too.

*Epi battle continues*

*Slender gets thrown into a lake full of aligators,Ben is dragged off by Pinkie-Pie for a play date,Sally and Jane get tired and go to sleep,Neko and Kimberley go and make dinner,MASKY AND HOODIE ARE BLOODY PULPS ON THE GROUND AND Kaitlin AND OFFENDER ARE DOING THE NASTY IN THEIR ROOMS.*

*Kameron and Jeff fighting it out*

Kameron:Thats it *Does hand signs*I summon the Queen of Le Sass.*Portal opens up and a girl with a crown steps out*

Sass Queen: My name is Nikki.*Dramatic pose*

Jeff:I don't care now come here and die so me and Kameron can continue fighting.

Nikki:B*tch you are about to regret that.*Starts beating Jeff's ass*

Kameron:Thanks Nikki!

Nikki:Your welcome.

Misa:Well Kameron you win!!*Gives Kameron the deathnote*

Kameron:Yay*Grabs it and looks around*

Rem:Hello mistress.

Kameron:Hi Rem.*Opens Deathnote and writes creators of don't hug me i'm scared*

Neko:Hey Kameron Dinners ready!

Kameron:Be there in a second!

Kimberley:Hurry we made Tiara Misu cake!

Kameron:*Moved faster than the flash*Cake!


A/N: Sorry I havn't updated in a while I just had some trouble figuring out what to write is all,but I have alot of inspiration so i should update later this week as well. 

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