Chapter 18: HG Skill Showings

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Zero: Alright everyone let's make this quick. I'm going to call you into this room by district and its your jobs to show off your skills. The max score for each district is 30 meaning its 15 points per member. Got it?

Everyone: Got it.

Zero- Good. Alright District 1 head on in.

Priscilla and Midknight: *Walk into the skill room and see an assortment of weapons,training dummies, and obstacle courses.*

Priscilla: This room is decently spacious.

Midknight: Yeah it looks like it'll be fun!

Zero: You guys have 5 minutes to impress me. Begin!

Priscilla: *Goes to the obstacle courses and acrobatically leaps through traps and various platforms*

Midknight:*Uses the power of galaxy along with her teleportation to take out the moving dummies*Too easy *Gets momentarily caught off guard by a hidden dummy*

Priscilla:*Draws her bow and shoots straight through the dummies legs pinning it to the ground* Midknight now!

Midknight: *Turns and blasts the dummy with a galaxy beam.* Thanks Priscilla!

Priscilla: *Runs along the wall and into the rafters* I'll play the support role you just take those things out as quickly as you can.*Starts firing arrow after arrow into the dummies. Both taking them out and pinning them in the process.*

Midknight: *Teleports around blasting dummy after dummy. Gradually gets more confident in her teleporting and starts adding a flair to each of her attacks. Adding a flip here and a spin there.*

Zero: One minute left!

Midknight: We're doing great Priscilla! Let's keep up the good work! *A wave of pain erupts into her mind. Momentarily stunning her and forcing her to bring both hands to her head.* Ugh...

Priscilla:*Notices the problem immediately and drops down into the battle.She throws her bow away and immediately goes into a hand to hand fighting stance.* Unbelievable... *She starts to fend off the dummies as they get closer*

Midknight: *Fighting off the pain, begins to teleport around again. Although less coordinated. Starts firing off galaxy blasts once again destroying dummies left and right.* 

Zero: Ok times up. You two did well. Your scores will definitely reflect that.

Priscilla: Moon are you ok? You seem to be a little out of it.

Midknight:  My head just really hurts. It must have been all the teleporting. Everything was going fine until I teleported that last time.Maybe I just used too much energy.

Priscilla: *Now certain she was right about the cause shakes her head.* I don't think that's the case , but I'll keep that for later. Let's go and rest up. *Priscilla walks Midknight out of the room*

Zero: Alright next district!

*Time passes*

Zero: District 3!

Neko: *Walks in with Kenta in tow* Cool its our turn.

Kenta: Y-yeah it sure is. *Avoids looking Neko in the face.*

Neko:*Senses something is wrong, but decides to save that conversation for later*

Zero:Alright you guys got five minutes or whatever begin!

Neko: *Creates a thin but see through dome of ice around him, rolls into the area with the dummies, and begins to fire off ice spikes from within it.*

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2019 ⏰

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