Chapter 14: New CreepyPastas!

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Slender: By the way since Kameron freed everyone from the cage she wins the title of Queen of the mansion.

Kameron: Yay! Offendor you are now Jeff"s b*itch and you have to do whatever he says. If he gets drunk you have to watch him and take care of him while he"s sick. Which means you can"t rape anyone or go "play" with Kaitlin.

Midknight: Speaking of Kaitlin has she not gotten back from the yaoi store?

Kaitlin: *Walks in with a sack of yaoi books,comics, posters, and videos* I am forever happy.

Annabel: Really you bought that much yaoi?!

Kaitlin : Why not? You can never have enough yaoi.

Neko: Whatever, Kaitlin you may have a problem.

Kaitlin: Nope

Slender: And now we can summon our two new pastas to join us. *Pulls out whistle*

Midknight: Oh no you don't *takes whistle* you almost sold a soul to Zalgo of all people you don't get to blow the whistle. *Blows whistle*

?????: *Appears out of no where* Huh! Where am i?

Kameron: Welcome to the creepypasta mansion!

?????: Creepypasta! * Looks around* Awesome! Nice to meet you all! Names Izzy.

*After introductions*

Izzy: So it must be awesome living here.

Nikki: It is and you get to stay here too! Why else would we summon you? Just to say hi.

Izzy: Yesh! I was gonna stay anyway i was just hoping for you guys to say i could!

Annabel: Loud and Demanding? I like this girl already.

Neko: She kinda reminds me of Kameron mixed with Nikki.

Kameron: I don't have any complaints.

Slender: Trender show her to her room.

Trender: OK!

Kameron: *Already eating a sh*t ton of cake*

Neko: You don't waste any time do you.

Kameron: Nope

Neko: Whatever. I'm gonna take a walk okay.


*Outside le mansion*

Neko: * Humming Another way out by Hollywood undead* I wish there whas another way out out out out out out out out out for you.

?????: H-Help me

Neko:*Turns towards the voice* Oh Terrible Lord Zalgo what happened to you?

?????: I trusted my bestfriend and he betrayed me. *Starts to faint*

Neko: *Picks him up* I gotta get you some help. *Runs inside to his room and puts ????? down in his bed* Kameron I'm gonna need some help here!

Kameron: Why? * walks in* Oh sh*t! I'll get the first aid kit. * Runs off *

Neko: Hey Can you tell me your name?

?????: It's Kenta... * His voice is cracking*

Neko: Well Kenta I'm Neko. Kameron will be back with the first aide sion so we can get you patched up. You'll be fine.

Kenta: Why are you being so nice to me?

Neko: Why would I be mean? That's my brothers job not mine. Besides we just met and you haven't pissed me off yet.

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