Chapter 2: Our First Dares.

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Kameron:Wake up B*thces we got a dare!

Everybody but Kameron:Uggghhhhh!

Kimberley: its like  3:00 A.M can't this wait?

Kameron: Get up or I get the bull horn*grins eviliy*You have 5 minutes to get down stairs.

Everyone but Kameron:*Getting dressed as fast as possible*

Anthony:So lets see the dares*looks at screen*-_- really Kameron

Kameron:What? *looks innocently*

Kimberley:B*itch whatever.

Anthony:Anyway @KameroForseth dares Jeff to re-inact the double raibow video.

Jeff:F*ck Fine ill do it but ill want beer after wards.

Slender:You will have no such thing child.

Kameron:Just do the dare ya Psycho.

Jeff: FIne*Starts  to re-inact the video*

Ben:*Is recording on phone*Huh Gaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeff:*Finishes*You ready to die little man?!

Kimberley:Knock it off we still have one more dare to do then you can kill him.

Jeff:So what is the dare?

Sally:Maybe if you would shut up Anthony could read the damn thing!

Everyone but Sally:  0_o

Kameron:Moving on @XxKitty_goes_RAWRZxX dares everyone to watch the don't hug me i'm scared video.

Kaitlin:This should be interesting.

*Video Starts*

*A couple of disturbing minutes later*

Kameron:Well that was akward

Kaitlin:That kind of made me feel scared

Jeff:Thats the kind of creativity i could get behind

Ben:Pffftttt Get behind

Jeff:I just remembered I still wanna kill you

Ben:OH Sh*t 0_0 *Runs*

Jeff: Running only makes death more painful * Chases him*

Anthony: Damn I didn't know Ben could run that fast.

Kimberley: Should we stop him?

Kameron: Nah we still have an outro to deal with then we might help.

Everyone but Ben and Jeff: BAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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