Chapter 8: Development of Love

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 On the next day, Bryan woke up early in the morning thus helping her mother prepare breakfast as soon as he got a bath. To be a morning person even sometimes was nocturnal due to his commitment – Bryan was taught by his parents to never oversleep in the morning especially during the weekend because the fortune might slip out from his life.

 In the meantime, the wedding planner is still with her usual job, during the weekend – which is sleeping since a morning nap can help her rethink straight on the day. Bryan chopped a mushroom for the omelette while having a deep conversation with Mrs Dawson.

"Mind if ask you, Ma'am, what's Bea's favourite dish when she's at home? I thought of learning it so I can cook for her in the future." He asked, making the old lady chuckle with his question. It's very rare to see a boyfriend willing to learn his girlfriend's favourite foods and cook for her instead.

"She loves my sticky toffee pudding and Fish & Chips. Previously our great-great grandfather came from the land of England to here in America so he could start a new life. Through generations, we still uphold our British's roots inside our children's life so they would not forget about their ancestor's origin." Mrs Dawson answered, telling some part of Dawson's family history to Bryan.

He nodded understandingly, quite fascinated with the stories that Mrs Dawson told him earlier. Soon after he finished chopping the mushroom, Bryan sautéed it on the pan before inserting an egg so he can make a delicious yet succulent omelette for breakfast. Then he placed all of the food on the table before heading upstairs to wake up his favourite girl that was still on her dreamy cloud nine.

"Bea, it's time for breakfast. I cooked you an omelette." He knocked on the door since he did not want to disturb her privacy in the early morning. However, there was no response from her as she was still in her deep slumbers.

Five minutes had gone by and Beatrice did not respond to her boyfriend therefore he drastically went into her room, afraid that something might happen to her. What took him by surprise was to see her, lying on the bed under a thick comfort. He grinned, then whispered inside her earlobe thus waking her up as she felt uncomfortable with it.

"Good morning, princess. You should wake up now or my mother would not approve of you being her daughter-in-law." He teased, grinning his face but Beatrice did not feel that his statement was funny thus she threw a pillow toward him as soon as her eyelids flicked open.

"Hey, don't startle me again. You know I am an easily shocked person." She exclaimed, surprised to see Bryan standing in front of her with a dashing look. After that, she went down from her bed and started the day with a morning bath.

When she arrived at the dining table, she saw a lot of dishes had been prepared and she thought that her mother was the one who did it. Bryan served her the omelette and hash browns as well as toasting a toast for her. Without realising who had done the breakfast, she thanked her mother for her hard work in preparing the food.

"Mom, thank you for cooking all of these. Could not be happier than having your breakfast at home." She said while spreading her toast with marmalade. Bryan, who had a seat beside her, immediately chuckled at her statement thus leading her mother and father to laugh in unison.

"Well apparently it was him who did all of these. Bet it would be the end of the day to see you in the kitchen, my precious daughter." Mrs Dawson commented cynically towards her attitude for being so lazy to help her in the kitchen. Unlike Bertha, the second-daughter of her was hopeless in the kitchen and all the things related to cooking.

"Bryan?" Her jaws dropped in surprise since she never expected her boyfriend, would be helping her mother in the kitchen. The only men that she ever brought home were William and Bryan however her previous boyfriend never bothered to help either of her parents.

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