Chapter 16: Fortune Favours the Bold

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 From the crazy incidents before the wedding until they say 'I do', both Beatrice and Bryan were having their cosy honeymoon in the Maldives. Most of the guests including their respective families were going back to America but the newlyweds were granted extra time to be together during the beautiful honeymoon phase. 

Who doesn't love the Maldives? With its incredible beaches, blue lagoons and extensive coral reefs – the island has become one of the most visiting destinations not just for honeymoon newlyweds but also for other tourists who wanted to experience the spectacular oceanic view of the Hindi Ocean.

Beatrice wrapped herself around Bryan, enjoying the precious time she has now with him. Bryan was not just responsible and kind, he also understood her career and did not push her around. Besides spending a massive amount of time together, they also discussed a lot of things consisting including his family, their career and a suitable place for them to start a family. And the two of them have decided to move into Seattle – the seaport west coast city in the state of Washington where Bryan landed a job on another planning firm there while Beatrice would be wherever he goes.

"I just don't mind about the move, but how about you and your career? I mean, Los Angeles has been your life and I know it's kind of hard for you." Bryan asked, stroking her silky hair with his fingers. Even Beatrice agreed to move but he didn't want to force her to do something out of her will.

"Don't worry. My career is flexible and I can be wherever I want. Plus, Amanda would be taking care of our business in LA while I will handle the rest, maybe through social media and online reservation. Nothing is impossible now when you have an internet on your fingertip." She answered, giggling with Bryan over a worrying question that she thought was amusing. Los Angeles has been the city of her heart but for now, Seattle would be ideal for her and Bryan to raise a family there.

"No, I am just worried. Anyway, thanks for marrying me. What a lucky thing I am to have you as my wife." He responded, kissing her temple multiple times. Although Bryan has expressed the same thing countless times, it didn't annoy his wife and instead made their relationship even stronger.

"Likewise, husband. Thank you also for accepting me the way I was born into, and be the one who lifted me up when I was down. I love you, Bryan Wu." And they kissed again, sharing the passionate steamy encounter on a breezy hollowing wind of the Maldives. The love-making session ended a few hours later but it was one of the greatest things that ever happened to them especially Bryan who never had any experience with it before.

Did not want to waste any moments that they had together, the two newlyweds spent most of their time with various activities such as snorkelling, building the sandcastle and lastly, enjoying the spectacular view of that island. What could he ask more when God has given him an angel that made his life even more meaningful each day? He then stared at his beautiful wife and constructed the sandcastle that she desires.

"I don't know why but I really love building sandcastles. It frees up my mind and at the same time eases down all of the pressures that I got." She said, still busying with the sandcastle meanwhile her husband just stayed beside her, relaxing underneath the blue skies of Maldives.

"So, what does it mean on that sandcastle? Is that our dream house?" Bryan smirked not before he pecked a spontaneous kiss on her cheek. However, the sandcastle that Beatrice built collapsed due to her husband who accidentally ruined it without any intention thus fuming the anger within her who had constructed the castle with her sweat and energy.

"Bryan Wu, what have you done to my beloved sandcastle?" She screamed loudly when the castle collapsed just like that. Mad with his action, she smacked his shoulder firmly and when she was trying to blabber something, Bryan stepped up the game by making a puppy face that made Beatrice's heart melt instantly.

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