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A/N I just want to say thank you all so much for over 100 reads lol.

Tw: mention of physical abuse, cigarettes and alcohol.

Tubbo and Tommy have gotten quite close over the next few weeks, probably since there wasn't a big age gap between them, unlike Tubbo and Clay who were a good few years apart.  Tommy looked far older than he really was since we was tall for his age, unlike Tubbo who could easily pass as a four year old.

Even though they were close Tubbo still didn't tell him about Schlatt, Clay was the only one who knew and Tubbo wanted to keep it that way for as long as possible. But that doesn't mean Tommy didn't have his suspicions. He only noticed Tubbo was clearly being hurt in some way when they were have a conversation whilst walking up and down the road. Tommy done alot of hand movements when he was talking and Tubbo would flinch if Tommy put his hands near him. Tommy didn't really pass any remarks on this though.

Tommy was telling Tubbo about the time he got stuck in a tree and his brother got stuck aswell whist trying to help him down, Tubbo wasn't really listening, he was so lost in his own thoughts. That was until Tommy shot his hand in the air and Tubbo quickly covered his head with his hands, as if Tommy was going to hit him. Tommy had never seen anyone flinch like that before.

Tommy stopped talking and looked down."Tubbo, you- you ok?" Tommy asked, Tubbo  could clearly hear the concern in his voice.
'Shit, I blew it!" Tubbo quickly put his hands down. "Yep! I'm fine!" He said, putting on a smile, anyone could tell it was a fake smile. "What were you saying?" Tubbo asked, wanting Tommy to forget that even happened, but Tommy didn't continue, he wasn't going to leave it there. Tubbo wanted to forget that even happened. He stood there staring at Tubbo, his eyes full of worry. Tubbo stood there uneasily for a few minutes, thinking of a good enough excuse, but absolutely nothing came to mind. There was no getting out of this situation.

"Tubbo, seriously, what's wrong?" Tommy repeated, more sternly this time. Tubbo hesitated, "Nothing Tommy! Seriously, I -I'm fine!" He repeated, trying to make it sound as believable as possible. Tommy raised an eyebrow,  there was no way of getting it out of Tubbo. He was just too stubborn. Anyone could tell Tubbo was lying, but Tommy didn't want want to push it out of him, the more he did the less of a chance of Tubbo telling him. He would open up in his own time, hopefully.

After that indecent, Tommy kept a close eye on Tubbo and took note of anything odd he done. He told his dad about it and his dad said it was best to keep and eye on him as something could be going on, although he didn't say what. He took mental notes of anything that made Tubbo scared or uncomfortable that wouldn't normally make you scared.
His dad seem to be more concerned than Tommy, and he didn't know why, his dad would ask all sorts of questions about this.Anytime he asked his dad about what was going on his dad would just shake his head and say he'll tell him later, although he never would.


"Do you go to school?" Tommy asked Tubbo one afternoon as they sat on the cerb outside Tommy's House. Tubbo shook his head, Schlatt had never even thought twice about sending Tubbo to school. "So that means you don't know how to read?" Tommy asked, Tubbo nodded. "Would you like to learn?", Tommy asked, looking up to Tubbo. Tubbo thought for a second before shrugging. "I guess so." To be honest he wasn't really too keen on learning to read and write, seemed like too much work.

"Wait here!" Tommy said before standing up and running to his house. Tubbo waited outside for him, ideally kicking a stone around. A few minutes later Tommy returned with 4 books in his hands and a piece of paper and a pen.

"Here, I'll teach  you to read 1st." Tommy said, dropping the books infront if Tubbo which made him flinch. Tommy opened a book and handed it to Tubbo. He stared blankly at it for a few minutes, trying to make out some words but everything just mushed together into one big mess. It made his brain hurt just looking at it.

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