Trouble .Trouble. Trouble.

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(Mental and physical abuse, swearing and mention of alcohol.)

"WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU DOING!" Schlatt shouted as soon as Tubbo turned around. Tubbo opened his mouth but closed it again, he couldn't bring himself to speek. "Did you not hear me?" Schlatt questioned, coming down the stairs, every step Schlatt took forwards, Tubbo took a step back till he was right up against the wall.

"I-i went out..." Tubbo admitted after short hesitation, he kept his head hung low, not wanting to make eye contact with the man infront of him. "And who told you you could go out?" Schlatt snapped back. Tubbo stayed quiet, he didn't know what to say. Schlatt slapped across the face when he didnt reply quick enough, this caught Tubbo off guard. He bit his lip to try not cry infront of Schlatt.

"You think I'm that much of a drunken  low-life that I wouldn't even notice you were gone?" Schlatt said, Tubbo knew better than to speak so he kept his mouth closed. "You look at me when I'm talking to you!" Schlatt said raising his voice. Tubbo lifted his head and forced himself to make eye contact with Schlatt, who was less than 4 inches away from his own face.

"What do you say Toby?" Schlatt said, Tubbo wrinkled his nose at the strong smell of alcohol coming from his breath. "I'm sorry..." Tubbo mumbled quietly. Schlatt hit him again. "DO YOU EVEN KNKW THE MEANING OF THE WORD SORRY?" He shouted. Tubbo didn't trust himself to speek, or even move incase he would burst into tears.

Schlatt was about to continue but, almost by luck, there was a loud knock at the door. Schlatt turned to the door then back to Tubbo. "Go up to your room." He said coldly, shoving tubbo towards the stairs before making his way towards the door.

Tubbo quickly ran to his room and as soon as he closed the door hot tears began to roll down his face. They stung like acid on his cheeks, he couldn't  see where he was so he just stood there, crying, not worrying about being too loud. He didn't care if the person at the door heard him.

(Tommy's pov) (omg finally a pov!)

Dad looked worried whilst we walked to Tubbos house, it was almost like he knew more than me. But the thing is I knew Tubbo longer then him, he only met him today so sure he didn't know much more than me! He was known to be wiser than me, which is a load of bullshit, I'm the smartest out of all my brothers! That's what I like to say anyway.

When we made our way to Tubbos house I could hear shouting from inside, dad seemed to hear it too because he stopped at the top of the drive way, just listening. Atleast I think he was listening, I was anyway and i didnt like the sound of what was happening inside. I felt uneasy in my spot ,surely it couldn't have been Tubbos dad? Maybe we got the wrong house, I hoped we did. After a few seconds of staying dead still dad finally made his way up to the front door.

He knocked on it three times and waited. "Go up to your room." A voice said from inside, I'm guessing it was is infact Tubbos dad. "Tommy, I want you to go to Tubbos room, just run past him as soon as the door is opened, I'll take it from there." Dad whispered. I nodded, the last thing I wanted to do was go into Tubbos house. But I had to, for Tubbo.

A few seconds later the door opened and a tall man stood there. A strong smell of alcohol came from inside, almost making me get sick. Remembering what my dad said, I pushed past this man and ran up the stairs. "HEY!" The man shouted, but luckily, dad stepped in. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO TUBBO?!" dad shouted at the top of his lungs. I stopped in my step. I never heard my dad shout like that! I was kind of impressed if I was going to be honest. He was always so nice!

No. I've got to focus. I continued upstairs, searching for Tubbos room. It wasn't to hard to find since I could clearly hear someone crying in one room on the far left. I ran down the hall and stood outside the door. Yep. Definitely Tubbos room.

I didn't even knock before going in. Tubbo stood in the center of his room just crying, he must have been having a panic attack or something because was mumbling something under his breath. He shot his head up when the door opened, it took him a second to realise it was me. I don't know why but my 1st reaction was to hug him. My dad always hugs me when I'm crying and it helps, so I felt it would do the same for Tubbo. Tubbo seemed shocked by the sudden movement but accepted my hug.

Tubbo cried into my shoulder for what felt like ages, but I didn't mind, he clearly need that hug. After a wee while we sat down on the bed. Tubbo had calmed down a little and whiped his face. I handed him a tissue i had in my pocket. He smiled and used it to wipe away his tears. We sat in silence, I was listening to what was going on downstairs, I don't know if Tubbo was, he seemed to be a bit of a daze. After all the shouting, there was silence, dead silence. In my opinion, silence is scaryer than shouting ,especially after that type of argument. I just hoped dad wasn't hurt.

I was thinking of something to say to brake the silence but absolutely nothing came to mind, which was surprising since I'm normaly very good at starting a conversation. The thing is, I normally say something funny but this didn't feel like the right situation to be joking about in.

"So... you ok?" I asked, it seemed like a reasonable thing to say. Tubbo just shrugged, "ye- ye I am." He said, a slight smile creeping through his face. I gave a weak smile back. I just then noticed a big bruise coming through in his left cheek, his dad must have hit him. I didn't want to ask because it might come off as rude and I doubt tubbo wanted to talk about it. Tubbo must have noticed me looking at it because he moved some of his hair to cover it.

Just then the door burst open, Tubbo quickly turned his head and sat up. To our relief, it was my dad. He did look a little mad, pissed off if you will, but his expression softened when he saw both of us on the bed.

"Boys come along." Dad said, gesturing us to follow him out of the bedroom. I stood up but Tubbo stayed still. Dad turned back around. "You too Tubbo." Tubbo looked confused for a second but then smiled. Maybe Tubbo was staying tonight, I hope he is. Because 1st of all I wouldn't want to leave him here with that drunk low-life and second of all, I want to hang out with him more.

To be honest, it is a little awkward knowing the truth. I walked down stairs beside Tubbo, not wanting to leave his side. We walked past Tubbos dad, he looked pissed off but dad wouldn't let him touch Tubbo, neither if us would.
I could sense tubbo was getting a little uneasy walking past his dad but my dad stayed close to him just to let him know he would be ok.

We walked back to my house. No one said anything , everyone was lost in their own thoughts. Dad walked ahead, most likely wanting to get a chance to tell Wil and Techno. Tubbo looked as if he was going to start crying again. He looked a bit shaken up and I think I saw a bruise forming on his cheek, but I could just be imaging it since it was too dark to tell.

We walked back to my house. Dad unlocked the door and we all went inside. I took tubbo up to my room  not even bothering to take off my shoes.  I closed the door behind me "What happened?" I asked, I may have sounded too demanding since Tubbo looked a little tensed up. He just shook his head, he wouldn't tell me. I nodded "Tell me whenever you want to." I said, not wanting to push it out if him.

I looked through my wardrobe for an old pair of pajamas since mine would be too big for him. I finally found a pair that looked as if they would fit Tubbo. "Here." I said handing him the pajamas. Tubbo hesitated before taking them. "You can go into the bathroom to get changed and wash your face if you want." I said with a smile. Tubbi just smiled and nodded.

Poor Tubbo, I wish I could do more to help. But I need to know more before I do anything so I will have to wait till Tubbo opens up. I'm willing to wait as long as it takes.

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