Chapter 9

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Blood warning!

Liam's POV:

Running and slashing every undead figure I pass, avoiding swords, spears, arrows, and rune spells. I don't know how long I've been fighting, but if this keeps up then I might collapse any second now.

I didn't expect Elijah to be a necromancer, much less a strong one too. 'I should've teased them moreI thought as I dodge an ice spell.

'I didn't expect him to transfer me to another realm..' jumping as an earth spike rose up beneath me, immediately followed by dozens of poison tipped arrows.

"Hahaha! How long do you think you can keep this up, huh? You'll die William." His annoying voice echoed through the forest, "Give up. Oh wait, you can't do that can you? You'll die." 'Tsk.' "Fuck you!" He chuckled at my curse.


Two hours ago...

We left our the dormitory a few minutes ago, Alex and the others are seriously panicked because of what I did to the prince, while Nathalia kept on praising me for wiping the floor with him.

"You really hate the prince don't you?" She gave me a look, "Of course I hate them! All elves think they're 'oH So pERfeCt' that they've caused conflicts with the other races in the past for centuries!" She ranted.

"They think they're the 'pUResT oF tHe PUrE' but they're really just flawed in every way possible! THE ONLY THING THAT'S PERFECT ARE THEIR LOOKS!"

Nathalia's voice echoed through the halls, catching the attention of the school staff and some of our upperclassmen, especially the elves.

"Not all of them are bad y'know, I've met nice elves before and they were pleasant to be with. The arrogant types are the ones that make me want to inject them full of hydrochloric acid, but I only wanna do that if they took theor arrogance too far." She and I smile at this and several elven students make way for us, scared. My wagging tail only increasing the fear on their faces.

"I'm starting to like you, Liam." She said, still smiling creepily. "The same with you, Nathalia." We shake hands while the others shake their heads, as we make it to the pavilion, and see a very stressed out Leon.

"Alright! Put the banner there- No! Higher! Not that high! *sigh* Let me do it. Just arrange the seats." He said to the poor human, he was practically shaking.

"We don't have much time! Everyone work FASTER!" The process of decorating was increased by a little bit, and eventually they finished before the queen arrived.

All 100 of the students that were called are already seated in the pavilion as a slim elf in a butler uniform came out and announced the arrival of the elven royal family.

"The queen of the elves, Queen Agatha Conrinth!
And the Prince, Prince Elijah Conrinth!
We welcome you to Ethereal College!" He announced, trumpets blaring in the backround.

"For fucks sake, get on with it already!" I hear Nathalia say under her breath, "Calm down, I already know why they're here. This won't take long." I say. To which she nodded as a beautiful slender figure walked passed us, her blondr hair swaying in the wind, her skin as white as milk, and her smug smile ever so present.

Trailing behind her with his head high, the person I eliminated first from the exam. Elijah Conrinth.

"Beautiful." Several male students can't help but say, while several female students kept gushing at how Elijah looked at them. The dark elf beside me only scoffed at this, "So what?, he's small anyways." She spat. The others around us look at her, mortified.

"Wow... so you've seen it before?" I ask loudly. Nathalia looked at me and smiled, immediately getting my message.

"Yup! He's my ex. Ive seen his 3 inch before." Several students laugh at this, getting the attention of the prince. The laughter died down the moment he looked at us. Eventually his gaze fell on me, "You!"

'Oh, he angry.'

"May I help you, Prince Elijah?" He gritted his teeth, "You lowly beastman-" The queen interrupred him, "Is that how royalty behaves, Elijah?"

"N-no ma'am." He looked down, "Good."
She then looked at me, disgust present on her face, "Now come along, you'll have your chance to take back your honor from that mutt." She spat.

"Now now queen Agatha, is that how royalty behaves?" I repeated, several students look at me in shock while Nathalia started to ficking die, "Ohoh, You did not just do that." Nathalia wheezed.

"Why you- Leon!" She screamed, her face turning red, "Take this-this MUTT and his prostitute to the dungeons! NOW!" Sir Leon sweatdropped.

"Your highness, there's no such thing as a dungeon in a school. It's unheard of." Her face went into a darker shade of red at this.

"Take him to the dungeons!" She repeated, "Y-your highness-" She then looked at her son, "Elijah. Take this dog to the chaos realm." Elijah smiled, "Yes Mother." He snapped his fingers and everything around me turned black.


Cursing him out, I keep running, and running, and running as far as my legs can go. 'I have to purge all the undead. Killing elijah won't do anything good... Well... my provoking didn't do anything good either, but it was worth it.' I thought.

I spot an undead paladin a few dozen meters infront of me. I kick him and grab his shield, blocking the barrage of arrows behind me. I keep running and eventually using most of my remaining strength to use [Pink]'s active skill. As a giant club knocked me back away from the rune and into a tree.

"Fuck." Gasping trying to get air into my lungs as fast as possible, coughing up blood in the process.

Getting back up and immediately, an ice spike and several spears impale me. Pinning me to the tree.

'It hurts.' I cough out more blood, trying desperately to stay conscious, the pain was helping with it, but I don't know how long for.

"Ahh, it truly is such a pity." Elijah looked up at me. "You were so arrogant that you thought I didn't see those runes. You were so confident." He snapped.

"Yeah, I was." He scoffed, grabbed a sword and chanted a spell. Causing it to light up in flames.

"You were so confident." He pressed his sword to my neck.

As I grab it, burning my hands in the process. "What a futile way of trying to survive." He said.

[Brown]'s Active skill [Creation] is 98% complete...

'That was quick.' I thought.

"It's unfortunate." He snarled. "I know."


He smiled, "You're dying~"

"No U." An irk mark appeared on his head.

100%! Active skill [No U.] has been created! Would you like to test it?

I cough out more blood. As he chanted a spell, increasing the heat of the Sword's blade.


"Yes." He looked at me with a questioning look, as a flash of light engulfs both of us.


I look up. And see the elven prince impaled to the tree, with both of us holding the sword. I dropped the blade and ignored his pained screams to look around his robe for a rune.

He kept screaming until I found the exit rune, and teleported myself back. Leaving Elijah.

I then reappear in the pavilion, where the queen looked at me smugly, expecting me to be her son.

"Where... where is Elijah?!!" She screamed.

"Where do you think?" I smiled, slowly loosing consciousness.

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