Dance Till You're Dead First Person View

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     My eyes shoot open when I hear music blaring, shaking my already crumbling apartment walls.

     "Welp," I thought, "there's no use in going back to sleep." I sit up from my sad torn mattress on the floor and run my fingers through my hair. "My neighbors must be practicing their songs for tonight's rave." I mumble to myself as I slowly get up. Dust gently falls from the walls, glistening when it hits the sunlight at just the right angle.

     Sleepily I stumble into my kitchen and open the grimy fridge, the only thing that is in there is a small red apple. I sigh and take it, this will have to do. 

     Once I enter my living room I rest my head on the windowsill to pear out on broken down city. A couple of kids can be seen break dancing on a flattened cardboard box while two ragged adults are seen arguing about something. "How did it come to this..." I think to myself, "I just want to erase this from my mind." Taking a bite of my apple I look at my notebook to check when the next rave begins.

     As lunch rolls around I decided to take a walk in the city, the air feels dry and sorrowful in a way. I eat another apple as I try to search for more food.

     When night rolls around everything becomes a blur; I dance and scream to my heart's content. I don't need to think anymore, I just want to party. I don't remember what I ate or drank, everything just suddenly became black. Unsure of how long I lay unconscious I was eventually awoken by a robot gently kicking my arm to see if I'm okay. Nodding I slowly get up with some needed assistance before going back to my apartment to start the process all over again.

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