🧪🧸Her Childhood🧸🧪

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After Krystal was brought home from the hospital, her joyful and interesting life began. At the young age of 5 months, she was able to walk on her own. She started to gain interest of reading books with her mother and father at 7 months. At the age of 10 months, Krystal had said her first word: love. She ADORED saying that word. She said it to her mom, she said it to her dad, even to her own stuffed animals.

Then, when Krystal reached the age of 1 year she started to gain interest of learning. So her parents got her some learning toys for her to play with. By the age of 2 years, Isaac and Rachel wanted to see how smart their little girl was. So next thing you know, Krystal was taken to get an IQ test. Surprisingly, her IQ was 137, a very high IQ for such a young tot like Krystal.

When Krystal was 5 years old, she created her first experiments, Blizzard and Raspberry. When the slime monster twins were created, they were just the size of a jellybean! However over the course of many years, they grew more and more into human like beings. Krystal even took her experiments to school to show off to the teachers.

Krystal's school life was kind of like any other, dealing with the mean and popular girls, being picked on, having friends, and so on. However, Krystal wasn't just wasn't just book smart, she was street smart, emotion smart, AND mentally smart. Krystal was passing in school in every grade, causing her to get a scholarship later on in early high school.

After Krystal had graduated high school, she went off to college to become her own scientist. She studied all sorts of things, marine biology, regular biology, pre-med, law, psychology, and all sorts of stuff. She graduates college with a bachelor's degree.

And after college, she found a nice house that she could afford with no problem. She decides to travel to someplace called Bird Island after one of her friends recommended to go there. After she arrives, she noticed how there was a large amount of birds. She spots a bird who has all red feathers and she goes up to him.

"Hello there, are you Red?" Krystal asks. "Well, I do have red feathers don't I?" Red chuckles. "Yes I can see that." she says as she gently shakes his wing. "This is a lovely place by the way."  Krystal says as she looks around. She sees all sorts of flowers and palm trees on the island.

Then, she sees another island over the distance. "Say, what's that island over there?" Krystal points out. "Oh that? That is Piggy Island ma'am." Red tells her as he glares at the island. "May we visit that island?" she asks curiously. "I mean sure! If you're comfortable with it." Red says as he gets in a slingshot with Krystal. They both slingshot their way to Piggy Island.

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