Chapter 8: The team is assembled

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Time passes, and eventually the bathroom door swings open, revealing two girls and a rather short guy. One of the girls has long black hair, piercing blue eyes and a murderous look in her face. The other girl looks the complete opposite, with long brown hair, soft brown eyes and a cheerful, if not dreamy expression. The guy is short, with messy white hair, reddish-coloured downcast eyes and a thoughtful look on his face.
"Nia, why'd you call us down here?" the boy asks, "and who're all these people?"
"New kids, meet the rest of The New Zodiac," Zephyr introduces.
"Wait, hold up," the black-haired girl holds up a hand. "The New Zodiac? What the flying fudgenuts is that?"
"The New Zodiac is us. We're representations of each zodiac sign. You three represent Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces."
"This doesn't make any sense," the brown-haired girl replies, confused.
"It will in a bit. Trust me, I was confused too," Serena adds, "now, can you please introduce yourselves?"
"I'm Charlie, the grumpy guts is Meg and the ditz is Fern," the boy says.
"Nice to meet you all," Serena smiles warmly.
"Yeah, yeah, spare me the pleasantries," Meg growls. Wow, she's got a temper.
"I know you," Aprils gets up and walks over. "You're the girl I argued with this morning."
"Wanna keep going?"
"Oh, you're ON!"
The two girls size each other up.
"STOP!" Fern yells and slaps the two of them.
"Oww!" they both cry out.
"They don't call me Super Slap for nothing," Fern grins.
"Nobody calls you super slap," Arus mutters. Fern holds up a hand.
"What did you say?"
"Nothing, nothing." Arus surrenders and hides behind me.
"Help me Flint, they're all crazy," he whispers.
"You're crazy too," I retort and turn my attention back to the new people.

"So the whole gang's here," Sergio says, "What now?"
"Well, first we gotta deal with the flood," Nia points out. "Now that we've got the guy who caused it here, he can fix it."
"I don't know how I caused it! I just got pissed off and.... boom went the pipes!" Charlie yells.
"Can you maybe move it somewhere else?" I ask.
"I could try, but... I dunno," Charlie looks nervous. Meg and Fern look a little confused.
"You're the Water signs. Hydrokinesis should come naturally to you," Terran explains. They nod and head outside of the bathroom. Zephyr peers around the door to watch and immediately the sound of a slap fills the room. Zephyr groans and sticks his head back into the bathroom.
"No spectators!" Fern yells from outside. We sit around and wait.
The sound of rushing water fills the building. Sergio risks a peak and waves the rest of us over.
Charlie, Meg and Fern are pushing and pulling the water with flowing movements. They don't notice us watching, but Meg immediately yells, "OUT OF THE BATHROOM!" We scramble out just as the three of them thrust their arms behind them, redirecting the water into the sinks and toilets. All of us are given a dousing.
"STUPID WATER!" April yells.
"Sorry!" Meg yells, but she doesn't sound remorseful. April scowls. Meg just grins.
"Where to next?" Tori asks.
"My house," Zephyr replies and sprints off. We follow him, wet shoes slapping against the pavement.

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