Chapter 23- I finally unlock my hybrid form.

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We leave the warehouse at about 7:30 pm, taking a few supplies with us. The streets are almost empty in this part of town, apart from the occasional factory worker. The night air is cold, and bank of clouds covers the light of the moon. We walk in silence, apart from the occasional curse as Arus trips over a few pieces of gravel. I glance around nervously, scanning the streets for any sign of whatever took the others, then sigh and check the map.
"If we keep going along this street, we'll end up at the highway, and can just head along there," I tell them.
"It's risky, but the faster the better," Flint replies, shaking his head. Serena walks beside him, humming something softly. I strain my ears to catch the tune, smiling a little. An idea pops into my head, and I begin to sing softly.
"Do you know what's worth fighting for, when it's not worth dying for. Does it take your breath away, and you feel yourself suffocating."
Serena stops humming once I start singing, then smiles shyly and joins in.
"Does the pain weigh out the pride, and you look for a place to hide. Did someone break your heart inside; you're in ruins."
The others begin to join in, and I smile a little as the mood begins to lift.
"One, twenty-one guns, lay down your arms, give up the fight. One, twenty-one guns, throw up your arms, into the sky. You and I..."

We sing quietly as we walk, trading songs with each other. Meg and Arus kick pebbles back and forth, and I check our progress on my phone's map. We reach the end of the factory area and pause for a second.
"Can we stop here and eat?" Terran complains. "I'm hungry." Flint sighs and sits down on the curb, pulling some food out of the backpack he's carrying. He tosses a muesli bar to Terran, then offers more to the rest of us. We take them and sit down, eating in silence. Flint passes out water bottles as well, and we watch the clouds drift across the night sky.
A low rumble sounds off in the distance, and I look up, my heart pounding. The ground begins to shake, and I can see a light in the distance, growing closer.
"Guys," I say nervously, getting to my feet. "Something's coming." The others get up, packing away the food, and turn towards the sound. A giant shadow looms over us, and I fight down the urge to scream as a creature comes into view, one that resembles a giant lizard of sorts.. It locks eyes with us and begins to screech, and two more lizards appear, hissing at us. Venom drips from their teeth and splatters onto the road, burning holes in the bitumen.
"We should probably run now," Arus says.
"Good idea," Flint replies, and we take off down the street, the lizards in hot pursuit.

We retrace our steps, constantly changing direction in order to confuse them, but they split up and circle around us. One of them blocks the street from one end, another comes in from behind, and the third comes at us from the side, hissing and spitting. Flint curses quietly and shifts into his hybrid form, and Serena, Terran and Meg follow suit. I glance nervously over at Arus and grit my teeth, trying to shift into my own form, but one of the lizards hisses and spits stream of poison in  my direction. I dive to the side, narrowly avoiding the stream, the poison splattering onto the pavement. I stagger to my feet and send a large blast of air in its direction, trying to knock it off balance, and Arus adds his own blast to mine. The lizard screeches a little and stumbles, before regaining its balance and swiping at Arus, knocking him to the side. Flint roars and slams his fist into the ground, and jagged rock spikes rise out of the pavement below the lizard. It screeches again as the spikes dig into its side, and I rush over to Arus, who groans and struggles to his feet. 
"You okay?" I ask.
"Yeah," he mutters, wincing a little. "That thing's got a powerful swipe." He turns back towards the battle, watching as Serena and Terran hold back one of the lizards, while Meg single-handedly takes on another,  a blue glow surrounding her as she fights. Arus and I exchange glances and run to assist Flint, sending a wave of air in the lizard's direction, knocking it off balance. Flint looks at us, relief washing over his face.
"We'll be fine!" Arus calls out. "You go help Meg!" Flint nods and rushes off, and the lizard turns to face us, venom dripping from its fangs. 
"So what's the plan?" I ask, sending another wave of air in the lizard's direction to keep it at bay while we talk.
"I'm not too sure," he mutters. "We can't do very much with aerokinesis that'll hurt these things, so either one of us will have to discover our hybrid forms pretty fast, or we'll need help from the others."
"I'll try shifting. You see if you can keep this thing at bay until we can get some help." 
Arus nods and begins to charge at the beast, changing directions ever so often, before letting loose a powerful blast of air at its legs. The lizard screeches and stumbles, before spitting a stream of poison at Arus. He darts to one side, most of the poison missing him, but some splashes onto his arm, causing him to cry out in pain. He staggers, and I cry out, gritting my teeth as I try to shift.
Come on, Tori, I think. You can do this. Libra's the scales, so it's got to be something related to that....
I hear a cry in the distance and a large thump as the lizard Meg and Flint were fighting falls to the ground, a large piece of rock piercing its abdomen. The lizard in front of me swipes at Arus again, and he tries to dodge, but the poison in his system has weakened him, and he gets knocked to the side.
Come on! You can do this! Libra... scales.... what has scales? Something like a lizard... no, bigger, maybe...
My lower back begins to tingle, and the feeling begins to spread through the rest of my body. I close my eyes, blocking out the rest of the battle, as I feel scales spread across my body, my fingers become claws, a tail push its way out of the base of my spine, and something large and leathery push through my back, then another. I open my eyes again and glance down at myself. 
"No way..." I whisper as I examine my new form, unfurling the large, bat-like wings protruding out of my back. Arus looks up at me from where he's lying on the pavement and grins weakly, his eyes widening in disbelief. 
"You're a freaking dragon!" he yells out as the lizard bears down on him. "Now hurry up and kill this thing before it kills me!"

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