Chapter 12: One site, twelve idiots

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Closing my front door behind me, I try to make sense of what just happened. What did Aries mean, planting the seed of telekinesis, and awakening the hybrid form?
"Buncha nonsense," I grumble, and trudge upstairs to my bedroom. I open the bedroom door, shut it behind me and change out of my damp uniform and into something ore comfortable and less wet. I put on a plain white t-shirt, red oriental-style jacket and black pants. Throwing my uniform onto a pile of dirty clothes, I take out my laptop and click on a messaging client I had installed ages ago. The program starts up, the words "IncessantChatter" appearing in the screen in bold red. While I wait for it to load, I send a text message to Nia.
Check whether any of the others have IncessantChatter, so we could possibly stay in touch and figure out what the hell is going on.
I pass the time waiting for Nia to text back by reading a few manga comics I left lying around. About halfway through the 4th volume of Blue Exorcist, I hear my phone go off. I open it up and read a text from Nia.
About half of them do, but Meg, Terran, Charlie, Serena and Flint don't. Start up a group chat and send me the link, I'll pass it on.
-N :3
Alright, will do
I open up my laptop again and click on the 'begin chat room' button, typing "Zodiac" into the chat name box. As the chat opens, I write down the link and text it to Nia. I begin typing a message and wait for the chaos to unfold.
Azurelong opened chat room: Zodiac at 2:35 pm
Azurelong: Alright nerds. I've opened this chat so we can figure out what the hell is going on. Let's try not to turn this into a big schoolhouse rumpus room of whirling bat guano hitting the metaphorical fan.
Nya_Blackthorn and Surge_the_Archer joined the chat
Nya_Blackthorn: Nia here :3
Surge_the_Archer: It's Sergio, wassup?
Azurelong: nothing much, just chilling and waiting for the others to get on.
KazeNoKuni, Tor1_K4z4n and AwkwardAquaris joined the chat
KazeNoKuni: Air signs in the house!
Tor1_K4z4n: Zephyr, stop that.
AwkwardAquaris: Umm.. I've got no problem with this
Azurelong: Uggggghhhh. I forgot how annoying you guys were
NubsyCrabcatch, stingofthescorpio and FishAreFriendsNotFood joined chat.
stingofthescorpio: Sup idiots
FishAreFriendsNotFood: Meg, be nice!
NubsyCrabcatch: Ugh, why did I sign up for this
Surge_The_Archer: We didn't sign up, we were born this way! *lady Gaga plays in the background*
Azurelong: Sergio, stop.
Red_Bull_Gives_You_Wings, Maiden-of-Greenville and Flintlock_Necromancer joined chat
Maiden-of-Greenville: Hello guys :)
Nya_Blackthorn: Hey!
Flintlock_Necromancer: So what now? Anything happen on the way home?
Azurelong: Well a giant flaming ram gave me advice, weird powers and flattened my mum's petunias.
Nya_Blackthorn: Same! Except it was a lion for me!
Red_Bull_Gives_You_Wings: A giant bull made out of dirt visited me. Who else got visited by a Full Zodiac?
Maiden-of-Greenville: I think all of us did. But you don't know how weird it is seeing a virgin with wings wearing a chiton in your front yard.
Tor1_K4z4n: Or a talking set of scales
AwkwardAquaris: Or a guy in a toga holding an amphora!
FishAreFriendsNotFood: I just got a fishy.
Flintlock_Necromancer: So the Full Zodiacs visited us, and bestowed powers upon us, as well as awakening our 'hybrid form', whatever that means. Capricorn gave me intangibility. What did you guys get?
Azurelong: Telekinesis
Red_Bull_Gives_You_Wings: Night vision
KazeNoKuni: Flight. That's four powers under my belt!
Azurelong: Screw you
KazeNoKuni: ;) you know you want to
NubsyCrabcatch: Dude, gross! And I got laser eyes. Pretty cool.
Nya_Blackthorn: Wall-crawling, whatever that is
Maiden-of-Greenville: Mind control
Tor1_K4z4n: Teleportation
stingofthescorpio: Making my skin impenetrable at will >:)
Surge_the_Archer: Lucky! And I got invisibility
AwkwardAquaris: Hydrokinesis. Guess it's because Aquarius is the water-bearer
FishAreFriendsNotFood: Super speed! Oh yeah!
Azurelong: Now that we're all done, what next?
Tor1_K4z4n: Let's meet up and discuss this in person. Meet me at my place: 7 Lazuli Crescent, Eagle Heights
Maiden-of-Greenville: Will do
Azurelong, Red_Bull_Gives_You_Wings, KazeNoKuni, NubsyCrabcatch, Nya_Blackthorn, Maiden-of-Greenville, Tor1_K4z4n, stingofthescorpio, Surge_the_Archer, Flintlock_Necromancer, AwkwardAquaris and FishAreFriendsNotFood logged off.

I close my laptop and rub my temples in frustration. Of all the people in the world to be stuck with, I had to get these idiots!
My phone buzzes and I open it. It's a text from Sergio.
Meet us at the bus stop in about 5 minutes, we'll head there together.
-S (D -->).
Alright, see you then
Writing Tori's address down on my hand , I grab a backpack, stuff my phone, laptop and a drink bottle inside. I hastily scrawl a note for my mum that says I'm out with Nia and Sergio,  grab my keys and a banana, and dash out the door, heading for the bus stop.

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