Chapter 24- Flint blows up a factory.

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I test my new wings out a little, flapping them twice, before sprinting towards the lizard. It roars again and spits at me, and I jump up to avoid it, furiously flapping my wings. Arus whoops with joy and slowly begins to move away from the fight, and the lizard turns to face him, swiping a huge claw at him. He throws himself to the ground to dodge it, and I take this opportunity to charge at the lizard, letting loose a large blast of air. The lizard screeches, toppling off balance, and I swoop downwards, raking my talons across its scaly hide, wincing as they dig into the flesh. It screeches in pain and swats at me, knocking me out of the air. I hit the ground hard, the wind knocked out of me, and struggle to my feet. The lizard charges towards me, fangs bared, and I dash to one side, then grit my teeth and concentrate. The world goes dark for a split second, and I feel myself being pushed on all sides by invisible forces. The pressure disappears as soon as it appeared, and as my vision returns, I feel my feet resting against the slick, scaly hide of the lizard's head. I sigh with relief, grateful to have teleported to the right spot this time, then spring into action, jumping off the side of the lizard's head and raking my claws down its face. It screams out with pain and tries to swat me away again, but I tear myself free and leap off to one side, hovering in midair.
Flint finishes dealing with his lizard and sprints over to where Arus is slumped on the pavement, conversing quickly with him. He stamps his foot, and the ground begins to ripple, before a large spike of rock bursts out of the pavement, impaling the lizard through the abdomen. It screeches loudly before toppling backwards, crashing down onto a nearby factory. The building crumples beneath its weight. 

I fly down to the ground and shift back into my normal form, jogging over to Flint and Arus.
"Thanks for that," I say breathlessly, and Flint acknowledges me with a quick nod before lifting Arus up, who groans. His face has turned a sickly green colour, and the place where the poison struck him is red and swollen. The others finish dealing with the last lizard and jog over, worried. Serena takes one look at Arus and frowns.
"We'll need to call an ambulance," she says, rummaging in the backpacks. I nod and pull out my phone, dialing 000. Serena pulls out one of the first-aid packs we brought and rummages through it, sighing in frustration, then pauses, frowning. She places her hands on his arm, causing him to wince, then closes her eyes.
"Hello, triple 0? Which emergency service do you need?" the operator asks, and I blurt out the details hastily, watching as a green glow envelopes Serena's body. The green colour begins to drain from Arus's face, and the swelling on his arm slowly goes down.
"Actually, don't worry," I tell the operator. "I-I think  we're fine." The operator sighs and hangs up, and I let my hand drop. The last of the swelling dies down, and the green glow surrounding Serena disappears. She opens her eyes and sighs, slumping a little, and Arus begins to stand up, looking almost like he had never been injured.
"What was that...?" he asks, turning to face Serena. She stares at her hands, confused.
"I don't know," she replies. "There was this faint voice in the back of my mind telling me to touch your arm, and it just... happened."
"Well, let's not dwell too much on it," Flint mutters, picking up his pack again. "We should get rid of these lizard corpses and keep going."
"But how?" Terran asks. "There's no way for us to burn them now that the fire signs are captured. Flint says nothing and walks over to one of the corpses, then rummages through his backpack, pulling out a box of matches. He walks over to one of the factory's leaking oil pipes, lights the match, then quickly drops it into the oil and sprints back to us, throwing up a wall of earth as the factory explodes, lighting up the night sky. I shield my face as heat washes over us, and out of the corner of my eye I see Flint set the other two corpses on fire.
"Great job, smart guy," Meg yells, sarcasm lacing her voice. "Now everyone in the entire damn neighbourhood will be able to find us!"
"Not if we keep moving," Flint replies, striding past us and collapsing the wall of earth. We exchange glances, shrug, and keep walking away from the carnage, towards the highway, and drawing closer to our friends.

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