Chapter 10: Bus rides become absolute hell

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(Hey, April here. I didn't even want to write this stupid story, but Serena insisted. So, here it is.)
The bus ride continues mostly in silence. I sit next to Nia and Sergio, glaring at the other six. That girl Meg in particular. God, she pisses me off. What's her deal?
The next stop button is pressed, a ding filling the air. The high school looms over the other buildings, confused and wet students wandering around the grounds.
"I'm glad we're here and not there," Sergio mumbles. Nia and I both nod in agreement.
Just before the doors close, another sopping wet figure steps on the bus. All of us draw a sharp breath- it's Ms Marlon, one of the most feared teachers at Greenville High. We've all felt the sharp end of her anger before, me especially.
She sits down a few seats away from us, glaring daggers in our direction. Meg and I glare back.
"April, no," Sergio lightly touches my arm and I break the gaze, looking at him instead.
"Don't make her more angry," he warns. Across the bus, I see Fern do the same thing towards Meg. The others just stare out the window, hoping to avoid her.

Just as the bus stops at a red light, Ms Marlon gets out of her seat and makes her way toward us. I sink down in my seat, muttering a curse under my breath. Her gaze passes over all of us, then comes to rest on Terran and Charlie.
"Now, boys," she says, her voice thick and warm like honey, "you've got some explaining to do."
"E-explaining?" Terran asks nervously, his voice cracking.
"The mess in the Food Tech room. I know you caused it."
"I didn't! I swear! How could a kid like me cause an earthquake?"
"You're lying," she hisses. A snarl forms on her face. Her teeth are long and pointed, like a shark's. I could've sworn her teeth weren't always like that.
"Guys, something's up," I whisper to Nia and Sergio. They frown, and signal silently to the others.
Suddenly, Ms Marlon's arm shoots out and grabs Terran by the neck. Terran lets out a strangled gasp as she lifts him into the air. The other passengers scream and bang on the doors, trying to get out of the bus in fear that they might be next.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Serena rip out part of the road and slam it into Ms Marlon's back. She hisses and drops Terran, who slumps on top of the seats, probably unconscious. I grit my teeth and concentrate. Flames bust from my palms and coat my hands. I run and aim a punch at Ms Marlon, landing it right in the middle of her chest. She screams as the flames race up her clothing. Hurriedly, Fern grabs a drink bottle off a random stranger and dumps its contents on the teacher, putting out the flames.
"Whatch do that for?!" I yell.
"No need to see a naked teacher on the bus!" she yells back.
"Good point!"

Ms Marlon howls, curling inwards. Giant spider-like spines burst out of her back. Her fingernails elongate, and her skin turns hard and leathery. What remains of her clothes are left in tatters. She turns to face me, and I gasp in horror. Her face is grotesque and wrinkled. Her eyes are a burning red and have cat-like pupils. Two long fangs extend down from between her lips. Her hair, once perfect, is matted and wiry.
"Daughter of Aries, I will have your soul!" she growls, her voice sounding like nails on a chalkboard. A random kid begins crying out of fear. The bus driver finally snaps out of whatever daze he was in, and opens the doors. People of all ages rush out, pushing and shoving each other. The bus quickly takes off again, leaving her unbalanced, but she rights herself in an instant.
"Oh, you're on, hag!" I retort, lighting up my palms again. Nia and Sergio follow suit, and the other six arm themselves with the water from water bottles left behind and big chunks of asphalt. I rush straight at her, swinging punches in her direction. She blocks each one of them, then rakes her talons down my arm. I yell in pain and jerk my arm away. Nia and Charlie dash over, aiming fireballs and water spheres at Ms Marlon's legs. Distracted, she turns her attention to those two and knocks them aside.
"Resistance is futile! You will all kneel before my master!" she screeches.
"Oh no you don't," Flint mutters, and hefts a large chunk of road above his head before propelling it towards the hag. It hits her square in the side of her head. She groans and slumps to the ground, knocked out.
"What the fiddlesticks was that all about?" Meg asks. I shrug.

The bus slows to a halt just outside Greenville Gardens. Serena and Flint pick up Terran and get off the bus. We throw Ms Marlon's body out a busted window and sit back down as the bus takes off again.

A/N: Hi guys! So I'm kinda sick of my current cover, so I'm giving you guys a chance to design a new one! (Basically a cover contest). It must have something to do with the zodiac and/or the characters (earth signs and air signs preferred)
Post the cover on Wattpad and tag me, and I'll see which one is the best
1st place: Winning cover becomes the new cover of this book, plus a dedication
2nd place: dedication and I'll comment on one of your books
3rd place: I'll comment on one of your books.
Good luck!

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