Chapter 35: Outer is a twat.

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"What are you doing, Fern?" I  hear Zephyr yell, and I look up, eyes wide. 
"Don't just stand there, do something!" 
"Like what?" I yell back. "There's no water, and my hybrid form is practically useless!"
"Here!" Tori hurriedly removes the backpack she was carrying and takes out two water bottles, tossing them at me. Seeker takes this as an opportunity to strike, firing off another gunshot, but Tori manages to duck in time. I catch the water bottles and wrench them open, drawing out the contents. Gritting my teeth, I take off at a run again, forming a sphere and launching it at Outer, who turns around and snarls.
"Back for some more, coward?" he sneers, leaping forward and kicking me in the ribs. I go flying backwards, the wind knocked out of me, and slowly get to my feet, panting heavily. Nia launches another fire blast, and Outer quickly dodges, laughing. April, Nia and Sergio let loose a combined blast of fire, and while Outer's distracted with that, I lash out at his legs with the water stream, wrapping it around his ankles and pulling him to the ground. He growls and gets to his feet, raising the handgun, and Sergio makes eye contact with me.
"Go get backup!" he yells, and I nod and race off to where the others are, then freeze, horrified as I see Seeker run Flint through with the blade. Serena cries out and rushes over to him, and Flint  collapses to the ground. Serena places her hands on the wound, but Flint feebly tries to push them away, whispering something to her. She nods, eyes full of tears, then takes her hands away, letting him go limp.
"This was easier than I expected," Seeker muses, smiling evilly. 
"They're all weak!" Outer laughs, reloading his gun and firing off another round of bullets. April, Nia, Zephyr and Sergio duck and sprint out of the way. Seeker turns and raises his gun, aiming it at Terran, but Serena stands in front of him and outstretches her hand. A green glow surrounds her, and Seeker freezes, eyes wide.
"What.. is this?" he mutters, shocked. Serena smirks.
"Not so fun to have your own technique turned on you, is it?" she declares, and Seeker suddenly spins around and fires multiple shots at Outer, before managing to overpower Serena's control over him. Outer looks up, eyes wide, and thrusts his hands out, cursing loudly. The bullets stop in mid-air, then flies upwards and strike a weak point in the ceiling, causing a section of it to come crashing down. Zephyr grabs Terran, while Serena grabs Flint's body, and the two manage to evade the falling debris, but Tori isn't fast enough and is knocked to the ground, the chunks of ceiling landing heavily on her legs. She screams and struggles to move some of them, but Seeker thrusts his arm out and holds her in place with his will. The green glow surround Serena again, and Seeker freezes, the two locked in a battle of wills. Outer laughs and I snap back to my senses, watching as he rushes at me, blade poised to strike. I quickly dash out of the way and kick out at his legs, and he crashes to the ground again. Zephyr dashes forward to strike, but Outer kicks out and sends him flying, and he crashes to the ground, groaning. Nia runs forward and lets loose another blast, but Outer springs to his feet and dashes forward,grabbing her by the collar.
"You're a feisty one, aren't you, daughter of Leo?" he chuckles as she struggles against him. April kicks out at him, causing him to loosen his grip, and Nia tears herself away, raking her claws down his arm for good measure. Outer growls, then turns to face her, his face twisted into a snarl.
"Fool. You think you can hurt me? I am all-powerful!"
"That's what you think!" Nia yells, dashing away and running up the side of the wall and onto the ceiling, aiming to attack him from above. She leaps off the roof, claws extended, and Outer raises his gun and fires, shooting her in the chest multiple times. Nia screams, arching her back, and falls to the ground with a wet thud. April and Sergio go rigid, and Outer laughs.
"Weak. All of you are nothing compared to me!"
"Monster!" April screams, jumping forward and letting loose a barrage of fireball. Outer cries out as they make contact with him, but dodges most of them and fires off another round. April jumps to the side, panting heavily, and turns to Sergio and I.
"Do something!" she pleads, sending fireball after fireball racing towards Outer, but the boy seems barely affected by them, managing to dodge the majority and even send a few racing back at her. Sergio still stands rigid, tears streaming down his face as he stares at Nia's body while April keeps fighting, fuelled by rage. I glance around the battlefield, wishing for once that I had powers that were useful for something, when I notice Seeker break free from Serena's mind control. He turns around and thrusts his hand out, and April suddenly freezes in place. Outer sneers and catches the last fireball she'd thrown at him, chuckling.
"Well, well, well. Looks like we can't fight anymore, can we, daughter of Aries?" He spins the fireball around on his fingers, stalking towards her and grabbing her by the collar.
"I've read the data from some of those tests, and let me tell you, it was quite an interesting read. Afraid of the dark, are you?"
"Let go of me!" April yells, struggling against him. Serena launches a rock at Seeker, breaking his focus and hold over April, but Outer merely laughs again and tosses her into the air effortlessly, jumping up after her and launching the fireball. It flies towards April at high speed, crashing into her face and sending her rocketing backwards into the wall on the opposite side of the room. April screams and goes limp as she falls, finally bringing Sergio back to reality. He dashes over to the other side of the room, just managing to catch her before she hits the ground. Outer turns to look at us, cracking his knuckles and grinning coldly.
"End of the line, New Zodiac."

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