Chapter 18: Our TV debut goes horribly wrong

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Two weeks later...

"Guys, you gotta check this out! We're on television!" Arus calls out from his position in front of the tv. The rest of us immediately stop what we're doing and rush over towards him, crowding in front of the television Flint found lying around near the warehouse.
The local news is currently playing, with the headlines reading "Mass disappearance of local teens." Twelve photos appear on the screen as the newscaster is talking.
"Holy crap, that's us!" I exclaim as a pit begins to form in my stomach.
"Twelve students from Greenville Secondary School disappeared two weeks ago, after some pipes ruptured on the school's first floor. April Azura, Terran Ramos, Zephyr Falconer, Charlie Mikuri, Nia Blackthorn, Serena Markham, Tori Kazan, Meg Cooper, Sergio Hernandez, Flint Hadeth, Arus Aquaris and Fern Sapphira were last sighted on High Street on that same afternoon. The only lead we have is a note left by one of the missing students at their house, saying that they were going out with friends. If you have seen any of them, please notify the authorities immediately, so they can return home."
The screen then cuts to a woman sobbing who looks awfully familiar. Behind me,  I hear someone gasp.
"I don't know who took them, or where they are, but all I ask is that you bring April back home to me. Please, please just return her safely," the woman tells the reporters. I turn around and look back at April. She's gone rigid, her bottom lip quivering, her face a mask of anguish and longing.
"Mum," she whispers, her voice soft and shaky. I reach my arm out and gently pull her into a hug. She buries her face into my shoulder, unable to keep watching.
The report continues, and interviews with our parents and classmates flash across the screen. I almost start crying as I see an interview with my parents, the both of them looking worried and distraught.
"Sergio, if you're watching this, please come home again. We all miss you so much, honey," my mum tells the camera, and I begin to tear up and dig my nails into April's arm. She shifts positions and wraps her arms around me, and Nia joins her.
The report ends, and an ad begins playing. April and Nia pull out of the hug and everyone just stares at one another, visibly shaken.
"They're looking for us," Serena whispers, her voice barely audible.
"We should go find them, let them know we're okay!" Charlie suggests.
"No," Flint replies firmly. "Leaving the warehouse could lead our enemies right to us, and if we're with family, they could get hurt too."
"But look at them! They're clearly suffering, not knowing where we are. Plus we've all grown a lot stronger since the last time we were attacked!"
"I know, Charlie. But I don't want to put my parents at risk. Plus it could be a trap to lure us out into the open."
"I don't care! I've spent too long cooped up in this warehouse, not knowing how my family is doing."
"Charlie's right," Nia argues. "They need to at least know that we're safe, and I'm dying to get out of here and see how much stronger we all are."
"It's not safe to leave! We could get attacked again, and I don't want any of us to get hurt!" Serena retorts.
A full scale argument begins, and soon enough, insults are flying across the room.
"We have to leave!"
"It's not safe for all of us to go!"
"I don't know about you heartless people, but I would actually like to see my parents again!"
"Everyone, shut up!"
"Oh my god, you're all idiots!"
"Alright, alright, ALRIGHT!" I yell. "Can everyone just please be quiet so we can all work this out?"
The argument begins to die down. Terran plants himself between April and Meg to stop them from launching themselves at each other. Again.
"Alright then Sergio, what do you propose?" Charlie asks, his face flushed with emotion.
"Half of us go, half of us stay. When the others get back, we switch. That way, everyone gets to go, but there are still some of us here to defend the warehouse."
Some of the others murmur in agreement.
"What if it's a trap?" Serena asks.
"If the first group doesn't come back after 24 hours, the second group goes to find them. With our powers combined, we should be able to take out our enemies." I bite my lip, hoping that I can convince the rest of them to go with it.
"Alright," Flint says reluctantly. "But I'm going in the second group. I've worked my ass off to create this place, and I don't want to lose it."
"I won't let you down," I declare. "Now, who's gonna head out first with me?"
"I'll go," Nia and Charlie say, almost in unison. Zephyr, Fern and April also put their names forward.
"Right, so we'll leave tonight, since it'll be easier to go unnoticed. Grab what you want, and meet me outside once the sun goes down." The other five nod and walk off. I sigh and head over to the mini-fridge, grab an apple, and wait for night to come.

As the sun begins to set, I make my way outside and wait for the others. About ten minutes later, the other five walk out.
"Alright, so we'll split up, since all of us live pretty far away from each other. Charlie, Zephyr and Fern, you go as a three. Make your way to Zephyr's place, then head over to Reeftown to visit your families. April, Nia and I will be heading back to our homes. Make sure you've got your phones on you, so if something goes wrong, we can at least attempt to contact each other. Ready to go?"
They all nod, and we split up, each group running towards home, hoping with all our hearts that this all goes off without a hitch.

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