Sleepover Part 1.

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Karly and Dinah did actually finish their media arts project, which was a miracle in Karly's mind. Dinah didn't have the best focus or time management skills, so Karly ended up doing pretty much the entire project, by herself.

Even though Karly seemed very focused on the assignment, her mind was mostly on what she thinks will happen tonight. Karly hasn't had a 'girl talk' with someone in years... She doesn't share thoughts on who she thinks is cute at school, or complaining about the monthly reminder that she isn't pregnant, instead she keeps those thoughts to herself; and she barely thinks about it. To say Karly was nervous for tonight and how it will go, would be an understatement.

Because not only will she most likely be bombarded with questions from the girls about Jake, but the fact that she has a tiny girl crush on all of them will make it ten times worse.

Meanwhile Karly is terrified, the girls (excluding Dinah) are sad or furious that they lost the bet and now Dinah has control over what they do with their little 'pet' for the rest of the year. All the girls have a soft spot for Karly, but Camila and Lauren have a huge one. Each of them wanting to be like an older sister to the younger girl. Sometimes they almost felt like it was a competition who could win Karly over first. Normani, Dinah and Ally already felt like Karly was one of their friends or a younger sister, but were willing to share her with the rest of their friends, instead of just wanting Karly to themselves like Lauren and Camila.

Dinah has been ecstatic all night, and the girls will be over in 30 minutes, which means that when she tells the girls she will have officially won the bet. Just thinking about how many less chores and things she will have to do makes her excited.

"Here kid, throw on these for the movie night." Dinah says throwing a soccer sweater that read Hansen on the back, and a pair of sweat pants to sleep in.

"I didn't know you played soccer?" Karly asked in confusion. She had never seen Dinah playing before, let alone where spirit wear for a team.

"I stopped last year." Dinah mumbled, going back to setting up for their movie night. Karly nodded in understanding, not wanting to dwell further on the topic. She wandered down the hall towards the washroom so she could get changed.

Ally decided to pick up the rest of the girls so they could carpool, and were nearly at Dinah's house. "Do you really think Dinah knows who Karly likes?" Camila asks from the back seat. "I mean other than me." She gives a small smirk towards Lauren, knowing it will aggravate her.

"Ok first of all, she has a crush on all of us so Camila can it and don't make Lauren angry, second, knowing Dinah she probably does." Ally yells from the drivers seat. Lauren rolls her eyes in annoyance, mostly because everyone knows that Lauren has a soft spot for Karly, and teases her a little about it too. But, she plans on getting a bot of revenge on Camila tonight.

"Alright we're here! I can't wait to see how red Karly's face gets!" Normani laughs, practically running out of the car. The rest of the girls sling their backpacks over their shoulders, which are filled with candy, clothes, phone chargers and toothbrushes; and head inside.

Karly suddenly hears the doorbell and practically screams with freight. She's been hiding from Dinah for the past 10 minutes, because Karly accidentally squeezed toothpaste in her hair, so any little noise makes the younger girl jump.

Dinah comes around the corner and looks Karly dead in the eyes and mouths "I'm watching you." Shit. I'm going to die, this is it. Karly thought. Dinah opens the door revealing her four best friends, pulling them into a big bear hug.

"Dibs on sitting next to Karly for the movie!" Camila screams running into the living room. Karly hides the faint red tint on her cheeks as she pulls her to the movie room in the basement. Just as they turn the corner to go downstairs, Karly swore she saw Lauren looking at her with sadness and jealousy? She quickly shrugged off the idea and continued to allow herself be dragged by the energetic Camila to the basement.

They finished going down the stairs, turned a corner, then Camila picked up Karly launching her over the back of the couch, and landing with Karly underneath of her. Oh my god. Don't pee, don't pee. Was all Karly could think of as Camila was straddling her, sitting on Karly's hips.

Camila knew what she was doing, and was very proud of herself for holding this power over Karly. To make Karly blush more Camila added a quick wink, before getting off the girl right before the girls came downstairs. Camila wrapped her arm around Karly, who was still shocked and stuttering beyond belief.

Lauren noticed first. She analyzed the position Camila and Karly were in, and the fact that Karly was blushing furiously, "You ok Karls?" She asked throwing in the nickname to try and get a bigger reaction out of the girl.

"Ye-eaa?" Karly stuttered, in a high voice. Lauren nearly died of laughter at the girls attempt at lying, but decided to keep it simple and nod. The rest of the girls filled in each sitting around the couch, Lauren ended up beside Karly, Dinah beside Lauren, and Ally and Normani beside Camila.

Maybe if I just reach over and pull Karly away from me... Lauren thought. She hadn't really seen Karly all day and wanted to have her to herself. Just as she was about to pull Karly closer, Camila noticed. Camila smirked at Lauren knowing what she was trying to do, and pulled Karly onto her own lap, wrapping her arms securely around Karly's waist.

Karly was confused at Camila's action at first, but didn't want to interfere with whatever Camila was doing, because this was the most amount of affection she had received from a friend in a long time. But Karly was curious, "Hey Camila? How do you cuddle?" She asked shyly.

Every single girl in the room stopped and stared at Karly like she had two heads. Even the feud between Lauren and Camila had been broken to wonder if Karly was being sarcastic or not.

"You've never cuddled?" Camila asked softly. Karly quickly but shyly shook her head no.

The girls felt bad for Karly. That in the whole 14 years Karly had been alive, she had never had any friends to talk to or to cuddle with or to share any moments with at all. Camila pointed to a blanket on the other side of the room, and Ally quickly got up to get it, understanding what Camila wanted.

The older girl wrapped herself and Karly in the blanket, leaned back on the couch and held Karly in her arms, while the rest continued to set up the movie. "Is this cuddling?" Karly mumbled shyly.

"Yea, are you ok with it so far?" Camila asked unsure if it was awkward for the youngest or not.

"It feels nice, thank you." Karly mumbled, turning over so she was facing Camila.

Camila pulled the awkward girl in for a tight hug, so that Camila's head was above Karly's and Karly's face was in Camila's neck. The older girl kissed the top of Karly's head and kept her close while the movie started. Hopefully Karly will warm up to us...

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