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"Here take this Karls!" Dinah said handing Karly another drink. Karly looked at the drink examining it before taking the entire thing in one gulp, making the entire crowd erupt in cheers. People came up to her and patted congratulating her, but Karly was now so out of it that she barely had a clue what they were talking about.

The entire night Dinah smirked in satisfactory as she got Karly to take drink after drink, shot after shot. But the party was no where near over, the drugs were bound to start popping up soon, and Dinah was going to make sure she got her hands on some.

As for the girls, Camila and Normani went to go dance right away, while Ally and Lauren stayed around with the two youngest. But they soon left when Ally's current fling, Troy pulled her away, and Lauren got whizzed away by some other boy. Bad choice on their part. Dinah had gone crazy, making sure that Karly's first party was going to be a nights to remember. Although Dinah could be cruel, she wasn't stupid. She stayed sober enough to make sure some horny teenage boy didn't take her upstairs, and that Karly only excepted drinks from herself.

"Hey give me a puff!" Dinah heard someone whine. Gotcha. Dinah thought to herself.

"Hey Karls? Do you wanna come with me for a sec?" Dinah asked grabbing the youngest attention. Karly just nodded her head, the alcohol making it too hard for her to speak clearly.

Dinah dragged them both through countless dancing bodies and rooms, until she found the guy who was supposedly giving out the weed.

"How much for two grams?" Dinah asked pulling out her wallet. The guy looked up and his eyes widened as soon as they saw Karly.

"Umm are you sure you want it? She looks pretty fucked up as it is?" The guys asks. Dinah took one look at Karly and smirked at the guys comment, "I know."

The guys eyes widened even more as he scrambled to get his scale and the weed, afraid that Dinah was going to hurt him.

"Uhh $20 d-ollars mi-iss." He stuttered out. Dinah handed him the money and he handed her the weed, and they both parted separate ways. Dinah led Karly to the back where there was a quieter and more secluded place so that Karly can smoke. Dinah knew if the girls caught her doing this that she would be killed. The girls have taken Karly in as a sister, but Dinah was still partly doing this for the reason that they even bothered to say hi to Karly.

"Here sit." Dinah said motioning for Karly to sit on the edge of a bench, sitting down herself after Karly was stable enough to sit on her own. As Dinah was rolling a blunt for Karly, Karly was in her own little world.

She wondered how she got here, what was going on. The usual for someone who was drunk or high, but Karly also wanted to know what the other girls were doing and why they even started talking to her in the first place.

"Dinah, why do you talk to me?" Karly asked.

Dinah was shocked, and didn't know how to answer the question without causing anything bad. She's drunk, she won't remember this anyway.

"We do a yearly thing where we take in someone and we make them do crazy shit and become friends with them for a year, before we let them go off on their own. This year we chose you." Dinah said.

"So I'm just an experiment?" Karly thought out loud.


"Do you ever stay friends with any of your experiments?"

"No. They usually hate us after. " Dinah said almost sadly.

"Well, I want to stay friends. You're really pretty." Karly said giggling.

Dinah laughed at the younger girls comment, but also felt heart warmed. She doesn't hate us? She wants to stay friends? Truth is, even though she was popular at the school and everyone loved them, she hated that the people they 'tortured' didn't want anything to do with them.

"I hope we do to." Dinah said. "Alright here you are!" Dinah said happily, forgetting their previous conversation.

She handed Karly the joint and lit it for her, "Now breath in." Dinah coached her. Karly did as she was told and as soon as the smoke entered her body she went into a coughing fit. "Wha-at is tha-aat?" Karly stuttered out.

"It's weed kid. Take another puff, trust me it gets better." Dinah said pushing Karly's hand back towards her mouth.

Without another thought or any common sense, Karly took it.

After an hour Karly had finished the entire thing, and was so out of it she had been blurting out everything to Dinah... While she was with her at least.

Right after Karly finished her joint, Dinah turned around to pack everything up so she could get ready to head back for their sleepover, but Karly snuck off. She didn't know what she was doing, but one minute she was with Dinah, the next she was in the house doing body shots, and now she was being lead up the stairs to a room.

"What's your name again?" Karly asked the boy for the hundredth time.

"Ya know I would've stopped answering this question a while ago, but I need to give you my name so you can yell it out." The boy said with a smirk. "My names Jacob." He said giving Karly a wink. Karly immediately blushed not used to the affectionate attention. The two finally made it up the stairs, they rounded a corner and Jacob knocked on the door of a room.

"Why did you knock?" Karly asked curious.

"I want to make sure the room is empty." After they heard no answer Jacob pushed through the door and roughly slammed the door shut and guided Karly to the bed.

"Take off your clothes for me babe." Jacob said with a smirk. He knew Karly would do anything because she was so drunk and high and he was enjoying taking advantage of it. All he was thinking about was how good this was going to feel right now, and how much bragging rights he was going to get for having sex with a virgin.

Just as Karly reached for the hem of her shirt, Lauren barged in the room. "What the fuck?!" She screamed. Karly dropped to the floor in shock and Jacob who was just previously lying on the bed had now scampered out of the room.

"Laaaaauuureeennn. Way to killl the viibbe." Karly moaned. Lauren's previous state had now completely worn off and was now placed with anger and shock.

"Karly get u- Why do you smell like weed?" Lauren was now furious. Not only had she caught Karly drunk and about to have sex with some random stranger, but she's also high. Dinah I'm going to fucking kill you. Lauren was furious with Dinah for letting this happen, but she was also mad at herself for not being there.

She picked Karly up, who had passed out on the floor and was now carrying her downstairs so she could find the other girls.

"Ohh nice kill Jauregui, managed a girl too?" Some random kid patted her on the back. Lauren hated it. Everyone was always bothering her about her sexuality and how she was some big bad ass. But she wasn't.

"Normani! Camila! We're done get to the car." Lauren called to her best friends.

"Ally, let's go!" Lauren called once she saw Ally baking cookies in the kitchen. Typical.

"Dinah! In the fucking car now." She ordered her youngest friend. Or the youngest friend that was conscious. Dinah lowered her head in shame once she caught glimpse of Karly.

All six of them packed themselves in the car, and Lauren drove them home, since she was the most sober. "Guys we'll talk about this in the morning, but Ally, Normani, Camila and Dinah? You guys sleep on Dinah's room. Karly and I will be in the guest room. Don't bother us unless its necessary. We'll all talk in the morning." Lauren ordered, making sure to glare at Dinah in the rear-view mirror. God tomorrows going to be a bitch.




Whattup how you doin? Comments on this chapter? What do you think tomorrow will be like for the girls and Karly? What do you think happened?


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