Making Up

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"Good morning Lo-o I made you some breakfast." Dinah said nervously coming into the room where Karly and Lauren were sleeping. Dinah barely slept last night, knowing how dead she would be once Lauren got ahold of her, so she's hoping that bacon and eggs (Lauren's favourite) would help ease the tension.

"Dinah get the fuck out, I'm not ready to deal with you yet... Leave the food though." Lauren said angrily. Dinah nervously nodded, and set the food down on the bedside table while bowing her head in shame. Once the tray was carefully placed, she scrambled out of the room as fast as she could and down the hall to the rest of her friends. She ran back into the bedroom and jumped on the bed burying herself into the covers.

"Are you alright Cheech?" Camila said chuckling a bit.

"Lauren's going to kill me." Dinah mumbled burying further, once she realized that all the other girls will be pissed too.

"What'd you do?" Camila asked, not remembering anything that had happened from last night.

"Umm, please don't get mad, but I may have gone a little overboard with making Karly's first party memorable.

Camila's head snapped up from the bed, knowing that when Dinah says 'overboard', she means overboard. "What the hell did you do?" She spat.

"Weed, and alcohol... A lot of it."

At this all the girls heads snapped up towards Dinah, completely ignoring what they were previously doing.

"You did what?!" Ally yelled.

"Are you serious?" Normani pitched in. Dinah bowed her head in shame knowing that no apology is going to help.

Meanwhile in Lauren and Karly's room, Karly was still asleep. "Karls?" Lauren cooed while gently rubbing Karly's back.

Not now Lauren... Karly thought. It's too early, and oh my god my head. Ow. Karly opened her eyes. THE SUN. OUCH. Karly shoved her face back into the pillow making Lauren chuckle. Dinah's dead. Was all that Lauren was thinking about.

"Here take this." Lauren said dropping a few pills into Karly's hand, the putting a glass of water in the other. Karly sat up and downed the pills and water groaning as she did.

"Lolo... Why does it hurt?" She mumbled burying herself into Lauren chest. "What happened last night?"

Lauren's eyes went dark with anger, as she protectively wrapped her arms around her younger friend. "I don't know the full story but I'll explain what I saw. Dinah gave you a lot of alcohol before I left, but when I came back I found you about to have sex with some boy, and you reeked of weed and alcohol. You were so drunk and high that you passed out on the ground almost as soon as I came into the room."

"Oh. I didn't...ya know... do it, right?" Karly asked nervously.

Lauren laughed at Karly's awkwardness, and shook her head no. "Just to let you know, you're never ever being left alone with Dinah again, or going to any parties without me."

"I wasn't planning on leaving the house again but thanks." Karly said, now falling to lay her head in Lauren's lap. Lauren smiled and started to play with Karly's long hair, putting it in a fresh braid. "Dinah made food, so that I wouldn't be as mad at her, so do you want some?" Lauren asked. Karly nodded her head, so hungry that she could probably beat Camila in an eating contest, and that's saying something. Karly sat up and was going to reach for a piece of toast, but Lauren slapped her hands away.

"Uhh ouch?" Karly asked confused. Lauren shrugged and pulled the younger girl into her lap so that her back was against her own front. She placed the tray on Karly's lap and reached her arms around Karly's small figure and started cutting some egg to feed Karly. "I can cut my own food, you know that right?" Karly asked looking up to Lauren.

"Yeah, but this is way more fun." Lauren smiled. She put a piece of egg on the fork and brought it closer to Karly's mouth, "Open." Lauren instructed. Karly opened her mouth and Lauren put the fork in her mouth, careful not to stab her. Karly rolled her eyes but bit down on the egg chewing it anyways, as Lauren prepared the next piece.

The two were just about done eating their breakfast when Camila came barging in the room, "Good mo- Oh. Am I interrupting something?" Camila asked as she took in the sight in front of her.

"Yes." "No." Karly and Lauren said at the same time. Camila smirked at Lauren's already aggravated state, and decided to hop on the bed taking the tray from Karly's lap and putting it on her own.

She copied Lauren's same actions, "Open." Camila instructed. Karly rolled her eyes but opened her mouth taking the bacon from the fork and chewing it, leaning a bit further back into Lauren for comfort.

As Camila kept feeding Karly the rest of the breakfast, Lauren was glaring at Camila, she was both annoyed and jealous. Annoyed that Camila interrupted their moment, and jealous that Karly could do this with any of the girls, and that Karly didn't really have a favourite. I should be her favourite. I found her first, rescued her from the party, and spend the most time with her.

While Lauren was glaring at Camila, who noticed and kept playing with Lauren more, enjoying getting her friend all riled up; by endlessly complimenting Karly, which of course made Karly swoon. They're so hot. Was all that Karly kept thinking. Her girl crush on the girls has ceased to gone down, and instead possibly gotten bigger with the multiple occasions where the girls have changed right in front of her, or gotten a little touchy (in a friendly way) with her. 

So slowly but surely, Camila got Karly to get off of Lauren's lap and practically into her own by the time she finished feeding the youngest. 

"C'mere Karls." Camila cooed pulling Karly into her so Karly was koala hugging her while they were both still seated on the bed. Lauren scoffed from behind them, crossing her arms and making sure to glare extra hard at Camila. 

"Yo, can we come in?" Ally asks from outside.

"Sure thing thug Ally." Camila says in a deep voice. Everyone chuckles, except for Lauren, and enters the room. 

Ally and Normani instantly join them on the bed, while Dinah stands in the middle of the room, her head hanging down in shame. "Karly?" She mumbles sadly. Karly lifts her head and her eyes meets Dinah's. "I'm so sorry about last night, I was so irresponsible-"

"I forgive you." Karly says launching herself into Dinah's arms, burying her head into Dinah's chest. 

"Wha- Actually?" Dinah asks shocked. 

"Well yeah, I know you didn't do it on purpose." Karly smiled looking up to her new friend. Dinah smiles back and wraps her arms around Karly embracing her. 

"So are we all good?" Dinah asks gesturing to everyone in the room including Lauren. 

"Yea, I guess we are." Lauren says smiling. Everyone gets up and joins the group hug, Lauren and Camila fighting their way to be the one hugging Karly from behind. Ugh why do they get so jealous. Everyone besides Lauren, Camila and Karly thought. 

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