Chapter 1

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"What do you look out for in a man?"
I should tell you so that you can come and pretend. Think you wise


Angela Fox 🐿️.

Hilda blew loudly into the fifth tissue I pulled out for her.

By this time the sobbing had subsided, leaving a few hiccups. I was hovering awkwardly beside her swivel chair, handing tissue after tissue like a programmed robot while I ransacked for something to say.

My eyes kept on darting at her fingers, questions that I didn't dare ask out loud running through my mind.

Where was the ring? Had she been ambushed for it?

Or maybe I'm just thinking overboard and her sobs has got nothing to do with the ring.

It still didn't make sense tho,why she'd slip it off when all she had been doing since last week was showing it off.

I rubbed her shoulder reluctantly, hoping to siphon some comfort. It is true she could be a total nuisance when she had her swings but she was my manager and I cared about her enough to not want to see her go all sombre and bitter.

I don't know if it was my croaky voice or my choice of words but she broke into another round of sobbing again. I instantly felt bad. Great, I should have just shut the freak up.

"I hate him, God I hate him,"she wheezed through hiccups.

My eyes widened by a fraction while I placed the last tissue in her palm, pushing the now empty box aside. I scratched the bridge of my nose.

"I'm here if you want to talk about it ma'am."

She cried some more, shaking her head so aggressively while she scoffed. "I won't talk to anybody! Way to have you ungrateful human beings laugh and mock me to my face!"

I jumped a little. What was she talking about?

What did she mean by ungrateful human beings?

I'm pretty sure I wasn't ungrateful at all! I always express my gratitude even at the slightest of things done. How dare she?

I glared atop her head. "Sorry ma'am, I'm literally trying to be of help-"

"Haven't I warned you not to be calling me madam? Have you got coal tar in your ears!"Hilda lifted her sharp chin at me.

I smiled nervously. Coal tar? Inside my ears?

Even in sorrow she didn't tone down on being a sharp- tongue. I should just leave her to her weeping fate and not care at all!

But seeing the emotion hidden behind those eyes,a vulnerability I had never seen her show, I didn't have it in me to ignore and not care.

So I talked to her, hoping she'd find a teensy bit of consolation in my lame words. I didn't know what had brought her down but I assured her it was gonna be okay and she'd get through it.

That seemed to have struck something in her though as she trembled slightly. I wasn't prepared for her next sentence.

"I called off my engagement with him."

I squinted, decreasing the size of my eyes. "I'm sorry, what?"

"I cancelled the freaking engagement!"

With Kenny Brown? Omg.

"Umm...oh, why?"

She nodded bitterly with a killer look crossing her face.

Angie's Mischief 🎭Where stories live. Discover now