Chapter 21

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Sometimes, the heroine gotta play a game of hide-and-seek with the villain.🤡

Angela Fox.

Crouched behind the counter wall, my ears literally sharper than shards, I eavesdropped on Kenny Brown and Shelby's conversation.

"It is always an honor to have you here in my diner, Mr. Brown, I cannot thank you enough."

"Don't mention it. For the record you make the best smoothies and so anyone would be lucky to chance upon this place," Kenny said. I was gutted by his fake modesty. We all knew he had pomposity flowing through his veins like water.

"Aw, you are sweet," the smile in Shel's voice was eminent as she packaged his order enthusiastically.

Sweet my foot, I sneered with my lips curling up in disdain. If only she could come out of the spell. she'd realize how "sweet" he indeed was.

"About the phone, have you found the lady?" The villain suddenly asked, cutting into my train of disdainful thoughts.

The brief pause on Shelby's end was perceptible. "Oh, you mean, the lady that went all Superman on you?" She chuckled.

"Exactly, has she been here ever since?"

"Y- no, actually. But she's like my regular customer since time immemorial so she'd definitely pass by one of these days and I'll hand it over to her. I'm very sorry for how she burst out at you the other day- I'll make sure she apologises when I see her. She might pass by after work today..."

My eyebrows snapped together. So he truly meant to give me the parcel. But why? My phone had slapped the floor out of my own clumsiness (technically) and my lashing out at him was as a result of aversion and fuelled irritation... it's not like he actually thought it was his fault?

"Angie is a nice person, she wouldn't be rude at anyone just for the fun of it- I'm sure she was having a bad day that's why..."

Shelby was talking too much, I wasn't the least surprised when Kenny cut her off, asking to take his leave.

"Oh, so soon?"

    "Yeah, I have an appointment in thirty minutes."

Nobody had to tell me he had given her a wad when she started calling blessings on his life. The extollation practically worsened when Kenny Brown footed the bills of a couple of customers that had walked up to the counter just in time and now they too, like Shel. readily fed his already big ego with massive thank you's and the world needs more of you's.

When he finally left, after excruciating minutes of having to listen to his fanbase go gaga over him, Shelby returned to my side, grinning from ear-to-ear you'd think she had won the lottery. "Angieee!"

Money made people happy indeed. "Look how your media darling has made you smile," I teased her.

Shelby laughed. "Kenny Brown is my happiness oh, not for the fact that I'm older and wayy out of his league, I'm very sure I'll be going after him." She then glanced at me and chortled loudly.

"Why are you laughing, I've not even said anything."

"Your f-face," the middle-aged woman wheezed, "the look of disgust hahaha!"

I shook my head, snatching my bag from where it fell when I was hiding.

"So are you going to tell me why you hid from him or what?" Shelby sobered up, pulling a chair. "I told Kenny you would come and apologize to him."

I balked, glancing at her in disbelief. "Apologize to who?"

"Angela. Come on, you never know, there's a reason destiny had you guys bumping into each other like that."

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