Chapter 15

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Never settle for less but if more, less divide... use this to boast and feel good bout yaself today, good morning.

Angela Fox 🙂

Saturday morning found me out of the Brown's mansion and East Royal Fields.

The first thing I did when I got back to my own apartment was to get rid of the guise. Fast, before Mr. landlord or any of the tenants would notice.

Wiping every trace of Elsie Lolo from my being, I skipped towards my closet to discard the tattered pants and faded tops for something more classy. My phone belled the exact moment I had sort out an outfit, the caller ID making my heart skip a beat.


An easy smile made it's way on my lips as I placed it over my ear, "hey mo-"

"Angela! How are you doing?!"

"I'm doing well, how about you all?!"I piped, matching the energy.

"We're ALL fine. Why does it feel like it's been ages since we heard from ya?"

"Oh yeah, sorry, I -I've been..."

"So busy that you forgot your entire family existed! If you wouldn't call anyone,at least spare me? I shitted you out of my coochie for Christ sake- "

"Noo,"I drawled, half amused, half embarrassed at her straight forwardness. My mother was the loudest, most blunt, sarcastic heiress I'd ever got to live with. She had no ounce of bashfulness, like, nothing.

"-I vividly remember the torture you put me through that day, shoving your limbs out first instead of a damn head! Then as if shit wasn't enough, you fucking drag that wriggly thing you now call fingers out of my va-jay-jay to what? Wave at the nurses?"

"Maa,"I was practically mewling now, palm on my forehead. This is why I never made a mistake of phoning her in public- she's a mood. "Said I am sorryy, I'll try calling frequently from now onwards, cross my heart."

"I bet you would. How has work been?"

"It's been normal,"I say, "how bout yours?"

"Been very bad. Sales decreasing by the passing minute,"mom grunted, "plus the salon is in dire need of renovation, shit's getting way too outmoded and I'm losing customers to another competitor."

"Oh oh." I made a mental note at the back of my mind to start some savings towards that.

"Everything's been hot and spooky of late y'know? Then add up a bunch of greedy and senseless politicians and it equals this country's questionable economy. It is only he who has enough money that is nagging about currency depreciation, explains why I haven't talked since."

"I've not talked too!"I laughed, switching before she could give a full lecture on the politicians, "Has Zuella left for her weekend classes?"

She howled. "Who?! Madam is still in bed."

"Eh? It's almost eleven, is she that tired?"

"Tired. We don't know tired when you have final exams just an arms length away! That girl seems way too comfortable for someone who has exams in three weeks."

I chuckled quietly, very familiar with that feeling. Pulling into my jeans, I prompted, "Lemme know when she's up so I can speak to her."

"I'm stomping to her room right now!"mom declared before I heard the door bolting, "time up, sleeping beauty! Get your lazy ass out of this bed at once!"

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