Not Done

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{ You }

The whole way to school something seemed off with Nagisa. He kept pouting every time our hands grazed each other. He would open his mouth and then close it from disappointed.

This kept up the whole day. What is up with him? Ever since we were little I have never seen him like this.

Maybe he really doesn't want to break up with Levi...

{ Nagisa Hazuki }

This whole day I couldn't get my mind off of the same topic. Do I like (Y/N) or not? Why is it so hard to find the answer. I knew I liked Levi in a snap, what's so different about (Y/N)? I looked around for Levi. I turn the corner to see her showing off a new bracelet.

In the corner of her eye she saw me and beckoned me toward her. I obeyed without hesitation. She pulled me close and gave me a peck on the cheek, it didn't feel like she even touched me.

"Umm...Levi?" I called.

"Yes?" She glared at me making me shrink under her gaze.

"I'm sorry but I think this isn't going to work out....." I murmur under my breath.

Her glare turned demonic in a second.

"It's gonna work until I say it can't work." She warned.

"...." I stayed still.

"I'm not done yet...." She grabbed my bow tie, leaned in and whispered.

I held in my cries and pushed them down my throat.

"You tell your little best friend anything about breaking up with me and you and her will pay." She muttered before turning away.

Relief washed over me but something weighed me down. She mentioned not being able to tell (Y/N) anything that just happened. That means I wasn't able to break up with her in the end. (Y/N) with never give me a single glance ever again.

I'm going to lose her again aren't I...

The time for lunch came around. I look back and see Levi towering over somebody. I look at the whimpering body to see...(Y/N)!? She looked as if about to burst into tears. She was slowly sinking into the chair as Levi got closer.

She glanced over to me and back to Levi.

A single tear left her cheek and at that moment I knew what she was thinking....

{ You }

'I trusted you' I thought as I looked at Nagisa. He was holding something back...I knew it. I lowered my head and covered it.

"Stop!" I warned. But Levi didn't.

She kept on telling be how Nagisa never was my friend and that their friendship was over. I boiled with anger. I grabbed my bag from the floor and at full force I swung it across Levi's face.

She screamed with pain and terror. She swung her fist hitting my bag while her free one made its way to my stomach. She clawed it with all of the power she had. I gave her a punch to the jaw.

She suddenly, like a possessed doll dug her nails in my head and slowly dragged her fingers straight down my face.

I didn't scream.

I didn't move.

I didn't hit back.

I slouched there motionless. I knew a teacher would come in any moment, he always did at this time.

Everyone stood there in awe. What is wrong with these people. Not even Nagisa came to help.

He just hesitated on who to go to first...

▲ Time Skip ▼

"Who started it?" The principal asked.

"I did..." I stood up without hesitation.

"And...why exactly did you start a fight?" She questioned.

"Lies..." Was the only thing I said.

"What do you mean?" She was bewildered with my response.

"Lies..." I repeated.

"Give me more information." She calmly said.

"There isn't anymore to be said..." I sit back down.

"I just told her how Nagisa won't ever be her friend anymore.." Levi sweetly jumped in.

I clenched and unclenched my fist over and over again. The principal must have noticed because she shot a glare at Levi.

"Lies huh?" Was all the principal said.

"How long have you and Nagisa been friends?" The principal asked.

"Fourteen years..." I dully respond.

" are suspended for a week." The principal spat.

"(Y/N) you are excused to take a break from school. It can just be one day at the least or a month at the maximum. Levi go home, (Y/N) stay here." She said.

"Look I know it's must have mentally hurt you..those words Levi said. But do know, the friendship isn't over until you choose it to be. Everyday that you take a break throughout thirty days, starting tomorrow you will be excused. So don't worry about school work, I will catch you up once you get back." The principal reassured.

After today will it ever be the same friendship....

Note | I hoped you enjoyed the chapter. Comment anything that you might want to see. I will pray for you. Bue! ▼( ̄▽ ̄)▲

Nagisa x reader | Lost WatersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora