Pushed Away Love

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{ Nagisa Hazuki }

I patched up her new marks, examined her old ones and changed the bandage on them. Why did such a simple mistake result to this? I couldn't help but think this was my fault. I changed her shirt and placed her under the covers.

When I thought I actually love someone I didn't think how it would affect others. Turns out it really affected someone in a way I would never thought of.

I ran into the bathroom trying to avoid all of the blood and go and grab a towel. (y/n) was still burning hot. I took the towel back into the room and thought back to before she locked herself in the room. When I think about it it turns out that I was about to tell (y/n) everything that Levi told me not to tell. What would happen if I did.

Once I stepped foot back in her room my heart lit up. She was sitting upward while she and patted her collarbone.

{ You }

My mind was a blur. I sat upward and felt a sharp pain on my collarbone. I patted at the source and felt a bandage. I then examine my own body. I was wearing a different shirt than the one I was before...Nagisa.

Not much of a surprise that he changed my shirt himself. When we were little our parents always forced us to change in the same room. They didn't explain why though.

I felt a weird feeling in my stomach and looked at the door. There stood the boy I didn't want to see most. We stare at each other in silence. Nothing happened until he tackled me into a hug.

I felt something warm slowly drip down my arm. I moved my free hand and felt water. More and more fell down my arm and that's when I realized Nagisa was crying.

I sat there unfazed by the action. I wanted to hug him and reassure him that no matter what I will always be there when he needs me. But all of that was bottled up inside of me. I couldn't do that. It hurts to much to try.

He finally pulled away and looked into my eyes. I turned my head and looked away. I couldn't even look at him the same anymore. I stand up and drag him with me. I walked down the stairs to the door. He sat there emotionless.

I put on his shoes for him and pushed him out of the door. I look at him and he looks back, his eyes filled with plead. I looked sideways to the floor and said the two words that I knew he had been waiting for...

"I'm sorry..."

Note | Hope you like the chapter and that it wasn't boring. But yeah get ready for the action ahead. Comment anything you might want to see. See you later. Bue! ▲( ̄▽ ̄)▲

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