Bloodied Eyes

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{ Nagisa Hazuki }

I slide off of (y/n)-chan and onto the floor. What does she mean she doesn't see me. Her voice was missing something. It was as if she was missing something and her voice was bringing it out.

"Haru-chan what does she mean?" I questioned.

"She means that you aren't visible to her...." Haru-chan hesitantly explained.

I still don't get it. How could she just no longer see me. Her voice showed the opposite of what she was seeing. I can tell. She desired to see the face of her childhood friend, but something took that power away.

I stumbled back up and gripped (y/n)-chan's arm.

"I promise I will stop this..." I whisper before letting go.

(y/n)-chan felt around and before I could fully pull away, she grabbed my wrist.

" this you?" She asked looking at the hand with astonishment.

She really couldn't see me...

{ You }

I managed to grab, what felt like to be Nagisa's wrist. But still with the contact, he was nowhere to be seen. My grip tightened at the thought of this. The tips of my finger turned white in the action, while small tears escaped the corners of my eyes.

"(y/n)?" Nagisa starts to shake under my touch.

I let go, wiping up all of the tears. Not daring to look in the direction of where Nagisa's wrist was.

"Nagisa...?" I start.

"W-what is it?" He was frantic and the sound of his feet shuffling around caught my ear.

"Promise me to come again and never forget about me..." I ended it there.

"Promise..." I felt something wet on my hand. Looking down on it, I see small droplets of tears on my hand.

▼ Once out of the hospital ▲

I lay in bed think about the past few hours. Everything that wasn't supposed to happen happened. Mom hasn't come home yet and dad never is home. The time given to me at the moment let me think hard about my next move.

I promised myself I wasn't gonna cut. So that's out. I can't see Nagisa, so the fact of visiting Nagisa was out. But every little bit of anger that was pointed towards him seemed to dissolve.

When I realized the whole core of the argument. Levi. She was the reasoned this happened. But he is still with her. I was now being pulled apart. As the doctor said before I left, I should take things easy. My thoughts were than interrupted by the lingering ring of the door bell.

Pulling back the door I see Levi. Before I got the time to react, she put a strong grip on my neck, though it wasn't enough to choke me. She pushed me back a couple of steps to only kick the door closed.

Her grip tightened on my neck. My neck started closing. It was harder to breath but it wasn't impossible. She backed me up more. I was now pressed against the wall. Her fingers tightened, but not all of the way. It was almost as if she was teasing me.

Levi then started to push back more. I started being confused on what she was trying to accomplish. Until I realized my feet were leaving the ground. Though her grip didn't tighten, her pushing me towards the wall became more painful.

Everything became so faint. I was still conscious but not able to make anything out. Levi lifted me higher and higher. She lifted me up until she couldn't lift her arm any further. She suddenly let go.

I dropped to the floor wheezing and panting. My ear caught something that creaked in front of me. Nagisa stood there, wide-eyed. He made no movements once his eyes landed on Levi.

He made a step closer to me, not taking his gaze off of Levi. She sent a sharp glare at him before grabbing is arm. He pushed his way toward me only to almost trip on a shoe. Levi took the chance to pull out of the door. It was the last thing I saw.

Nagisa has to break up with her after seeing me like this......


Note | you of course, is getting jacked up. But you know what is will get better. After something more painful happens. Hehehehe. But now that I have a lot of books it's gonna be hard per to update. Bue! ▲( ̄▽ ̄)▼ 


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