The One Blinded

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{ Nagisa Hazuki }

I slowly crept to the other side of the bed and looked over the edge. ____-chan laid there breathing heavily, while hugging her head. What have I done? Everything she used to be disappeared. She was broken to the point of little chance of repair.

I extended my hand and lightly tapped her shoulder. This action caused her to flinch and hug her head tighter. 

"____-chan?" I whimpered.

There was no response. 

"Haru-chan! Help!" I screamed.

I couldn't take it anymore. I can't just sit here and watch everything happen. I'm useless, the least I could do is call for help. Seconds later Haru-chan barged in the room.

"What is-" He cut himself off when he focused on ____-chan.

"Nagisa we need to take her to the doctor. Now..." 

{ You }

I bolted from my seat, to only be pushed back down by a blurred figure. What happened? I rolled back in my thoughts and remember blacking out in Haru's room. What was I even doing there? My vision started to clear up, revealing the blurred out figure to be a doctor. 

"What am I doing here?" I question.

"Well according to a boy you blacked out and didn't see him in the room when looking around. We haven't figured out your case yet but you will have to stay until we understand what happened." He explained.

"What color was the boy's hair?" I simply ask.

"Well there were two boys one black and one blond." he responded, while proceeding to look at files.

I guess Nagisa was there too... But who was the person that was in the room but I did see? I could have sworn that no one was in there. 

"Is it okay to invite your visitors in?" The doctor bluntly asked.

"That's fine..." I manage to whisper through the thoughts.

The door opened a couple minutes later but only Haru came in. 

"Hey ____-chan!" It was Nagisa's voice but I didn't see him. 

I looked around for the source of his voice, but there was nothing. He wasn't there. I than felt someone pulling into an embrace. I look down at my body. No one there. I felt hot tears on my clothes. I looked at the soaked areas. No one there.

"Nagisa...where are you? If you're hiding its not funny.." I say hoping he was just playing a joke on me.

"W-what do you mean? ____-chan I'm hugging you..." He responded.

"I don't see you..." I say.

"Nagisa..maybe we should go..." Haru suggested.

"Wait where's Nagisa?" I questioned.

Haru lifted his finger to where I felt the embrace and wet tears.

"Ha-Haru...I don't see him...."


Note | I know this chapter is short but I really wanted to leave it there. I will update as soon as possible but I just started a Diabolik Lovers fanfic so I have more things to update. Also check out my instagram! I put the link on my profile. Bue! ▲( ̄▽ ̄)▲


☆ Words - 475 ☆  

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