Ch 2: A New Mission PAW

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The bright sun rose over the horizon, and its golden beams shone on Adventure Bay. The warm light burned away the mist that had lingered for most of the night. At the Lookout, the six young pups were waking up and exiting their pup houses.

"Morning." Rocky said, his grey fur all over the place.

"Hey dudes." Zuma added.

"Is it time to eat yet?" Marshall asked.

"Yeah, I'm hungry." Rubble added.

At that moment, Ryder came down and gave the pups their breakfast.

"Hey pups, got anything to do today?" the 10 year old asked.

"We're gonna work on our new song for the Summer Sun Festival and help start setting stuff up." Chase said.

"What are you doing Ryder?" Skye asked.

"I have to check up on the meteor and fix a couple of things, but I'll be down later to help start setting up." Ryder replied.

"Ok. See you Ryder dude." Zuma said as he and the others walked out to work on their song for the Summer Sun Festival which was next week. The Summer Sun Festival was Adventure Bay's big party to celebrate the first day of summer. In the yard, the pups began brainstorming ideas and lyrics.

"Ok, how about this?" Marshall asked, "Cause we have fun in the summer sun!"

"Hey nice one Marshall." Skye complimented.

"Yeah, could be a good ending." Rubble added.

In the Lookout, Ryder, with the help of Charles, was checking over the meteor to make sure it was stable. A few months ago, the meteor began glowing again. As it turned out, Harold's robot hadn't drained the meteor completely of its power, just to the point where it couldn't supply the pups' powers. And Harold had found a small piece of the meteor and gained back his powers, and the Kitty Katastrophe Crew gained some of their own, prompting the pups to intervene. After stopping Harold and the kittens, the team had decided, and even swore an oath, to only use their powers when necessary or emergency or when it was required.

"I say the meteor is doing well." Charles said.

Ryder didn't answer as he was deep in his thoughts. Charles took notice of this.

"I know that look." the leader of the Canine Knights said, "You're thinking about something, aren't you?"

"Yeah, about what Sweetie and the Humdingers are gonna do next." Ryder replied, "I mean, what if they find a new partner?"

"I know what you mean." Charles said, "I've been having those same thoughts."

Before Ryder could respond, his pup pad began ringing. A gold crown symbol was on the screen, indicating it was the Earl of Barkingburg. Ryder picked up his pup pad, tapped on the screen, and the Earl of Barkingburg and the Princess appeared on screen.

"Hello Your Earlness, what's going on?" the leader of the PAW Patrol asked.

"Ryder, several magical items have been stolen from the castle, and several magical entities are running rampant. Andrew and Harry are dealing with the entities, but they're starting get overwhelmed." the Earl said in a panicked tone.

"And Sweetie is nowhere to be found again." the Princess added.

"Don't worry, we're on our way." Ryder reassured, "No job is too big, no pup is too small!"

"Please hurry." the Earl said as Ryder hung up.

"Ryder, it might be best if the Knights and I come along." Charles said, "I honestly don't like the sound this."

"Neither do I." Ryder said. He pulled out a tray and tapped the button. In the yard, the pups were still working on their song when their pup tags lit up.

"PAW Patrol, to the Air Patroller!" Ryder's voice exclaimed through their pup tags.

"Ryder needs us!" the pups exclaimed.

The pups ran across the yard towards the plane. However Marshall, true to his clumsy nature, tripped and began rolling towards the Air Patroller on a drum. He then, in his typical fashion, crashed into the pups.

"Aw, you pups beat me again." Marshall said, beating on the drum and earning laughs from the others. The six boarded the Air Patroller where the Canine Knights were already waiting, and it took off for Barkingburg.

"PAW Patrol ready for action Ryder sir." Chase said.

"Thanks pups, we have magical mayhem in Barkingburg." Ryder said, "Magical items have been stolen from the castle, and several entities are rampaging around the castle."

"And let me guess, Sweetie is nowhere to be found again?" Chase asked.

"You'd be correct." Chance replied.

"I wonder what she and the Humdingers are up to now." Marshall said.

"Probably something that involves magic and taking over Adventure Bay." Rocky replied, rolling his eyes.

"But magic entities?" Skye said in confusion, "That's new."

"I agree." Skyler said, "Neither Sweetie nor the Humdingers have to skill in sorcery to summon entities."

"You think they found a new partner?" Rubble asked.

"I hope not, but it sounds like it." Blaze replied.

"We don't know for sure." Ryder said, "But this is most definitely a-"

"Mission PAW!" the pups exclaimed excitedly.

"Robo Dog, put us in stealth mode." Ryder said.

Robo Dog barked in reply and put the Air Patroller in stealth mode and flew off to Barkingburg. A while later, Big Benji came into view. The entrance to the team's underwater HQ opened, and the plane landed inside. The PAW Patrol and the Canine Knights all flies out of the plane, and the pups put on their gear. Ryder then took his place in front of the group.

"Ok pups, we have to help Andrew and Harry Soarin with the spirits and find the missing items." Ryder said, "We'll split up. Rocky, Zuma, Skye, I need to use your Radar Scanner, sonar, and wings to find clues."

"Green means go!" the gray Mixed Breed exclaimed.

"Let's dive in!" the Chocolate Labrador said eagerly.

"This pup's gotta fly." the Cockapoo added.

"Chase, Marshall, Rubble, I need your net, Hydro Launcher, and Construction Claw to help with the magic entities." Ryder continued.

"Chase is on the case." the German Shepherd said proudly.

"I'm fired up." the Dalmatian replied.

"Rubble on the double." the English Bulldog stated.

"And Knights, you help us with anything else we need." Ryder added.

"Canine Knights at your service." Granite replied.

"All right, PAW Patrol is on a roll!" Ryder exclaimed.

Robo Dog had already started up the Mission Cruiser and loaded the pups' vehicles. The teams all loaded in the Cruiser.

"Robo Dog, take us to the castle." Ryder said.

Robo Dog barked in reply and drove the Mission Cruiser through the tunnel. The secret entrance opened, and the vehicle turned onto the street and headed for the castle.

To be continued...

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