Ch 7: Held for Ransom

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At the Lookout, Henry turned from the black screen and faced his prisoners. "Don't worry, you two will be reunited with your precious pups and boyfriend soon enough. As long as they don't try anything stupid." the evil prince said as he chuckled before floating off.

Ryder managed to get his gag off before turning to Alexandra, "You must be Alexandra. Nice to meet you. Andrew's told us about you."

"I'm sure he has." Alexandra said in her thick Barkingburg accent, "And you must Ryder, leader of the PAW Patrol. And nice to meet you as well. Andrew's told me about you and your pups as well."

"Hey, no talking prisoners." Sweetie snapped.

"Yeah, besides it's not like you're gonna escape." Harold said smugly, "Besides the only way your puny pups can get you back is by giving us the Dark Heart."

"Yeah, and once we have it, revenge shall be ours." Mayor Humdinger added as he, his nephew, and Sweetie laughed.

"You won't." Ryder said defiantly, "Like I say no job is too big, no pup is too small."

Mayor Humdinger responded by punching the poor boy, along with the kittens scratching him.

"Yeah, says the child couldn't do anything to save his parents from a measly rockslide." Henry said with wicked grin.

Tears welled up in the 10 year old's eyes as bad memories resurfaced. The villains all snickered to themselves.

"Leave him alone!" Alexandra yelled, "Why are you doing this, he's just a child!"

Sweetie was prepared to claw at the young woman, but Henry stopped her, "Don't Miss Sweetie. It's not her we want revenge on. At the moment, she's just a pawn."

"Sir, you said something about that you'd called someone to help." Harold said, "When are they getting here?"

"I'm here!" a high-pitched female voice exclaimed.

The group turned to see a woman with short, chin-length red hair, dark magenta eyes with fuchsia eyeshadow, and fuchsia colored lips. She wore a light blue shirt with a black jacket over it, short black gloves with feathers on them, black pants, and dark blue shoes. She also had a grabber tool, shaped like a bird's head, strapped to her belt.

"Ah it seems our help as arrived." Henry said.

"Indeed I have." Ladybird said with a sly smile.

"Who are you?" Sweetie asked with a bit of suspicion in her voice.

"The name's Ladybird, the most fantastic looking super baddie this world has ever seen!" the villainess exclaimed as she laughed very annoyingly.

"Great. Another annoying one." Sweetie thought begrudgingly.

"Yeah, and what do you have that can help beat those pesky pups?" Mayor Humdinger asked.

"Well Mayor, her love of shiny things can help us get the Dark Heart, along with her super strength and flight." Henry explained.

"That's right." Ladybird said. The kittens' shiny tags soon got her attention. "Ooh, shiny!" she exclaimed. She tried to grab them, but Mayor Humdinger stopped her.

"Hey, hands off my kittens bird lady!" the sneaky mayor yelled.

"It's Ladybird!" the villainess yelled, "And if it shines, it's mine!"

Sweetie rolled her eyes. Things just got a whole lot more annoying.
At the Beach Tower, everyone was still shaken up by what had happened. The pups were in absolute terror about what might happen to their beloved leader. And Andrew was scared about what their enemies would do to Alexandra.

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