Ch 9: Ancestral Blessings

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At the Lookout, discord and frustration was running through the minds of the villains. Harold, Mayor Humdinger, Sweetie, and Ladybird were blaming each other over the setbacks in their plan, and the arguments got even more heated when they discovered that they had lost the Relic of Dimensions.

"You lost it?!" Mayor Humdinger yelled.

"You had one job bird lady which was to hold that relic!" Harold added.

"It's Ladybird!" the villainess shrieked, "And for your information, I had to get the Dark Heart from those pesky pups! Besides, Ms. Princess over here wasn't doing anything to help!"

"That's not how you talk to a future Queen!" Sweetie yelled.

"You'll never be Queen you spoiled brat of a pup!" Mayor Humdinger replied.

"ENOUGH!" Henry roared. The villains' faces went white with fear and they quickly stopped arguing.

"I'm not going to tell you again. Stop with the nonsense or I'll skin you all alive." Henry snarled with his eyes glowing a dangerous shade of red.

"Yes sir." Mayor Humdinger, Harold, Sweetie, and Ladybird said quickly.

Henry sighed. He knew that the alliance wasn't going to last much longer. Sweetie and the Humdingers were fed up with each other and Ladybird was only adding fuel to the fire. But the prince's desire for power was more important than the relationship between himself and his partners.

Henry floated over to a shelf where several pictures of Ryder and the pups stood. He picked one up and looked at it for a long moment. The love, loyalty, and happiness between the young heroes was clearly evident. To Henry, it was amazing how strong their bond was. Despite everything, their bond seemed to grow stronger.

"You know, as much as I hate the boy and his mutts, I can't help but feel respect for them." Henry said to his partners.

"Why?" Ladybird said in disgust.

"Yeah, what about them makes you feel respect?" Harold said equally disgusted.

"Their resilience." Henry replied, "It seems like that whatever is thrown at them, no matter how strong, they seem to be able to overcome it every time. And besides, it's not a bad thing to have some respect for your enemies. Because sometimes, they have qualities that almost seem...impossible to achieve. Qualities that you would never think were possible."

"The only quality that kid and his mutts have is that they're annoying." Mayor Humdinger snapped.

"Yeah, always getting in the way of our fun." Harold added.

"And so ridiculously pure that it's sickening." Sweetie grumbled.

"Well, to each their own." Henry replied as he didn't feel like arguing with them. Nor did he want to hear them argue with each other. He set down the photograph and floated out onto the balcony and looked out into the deserted town.

Soon the world would be as bleak and cold as he was...
"So we have to summon the Seven Sorcerers in order to get a protection spell?" the Princess asked.

"Unfortunately yes." Andrew replied.

"Well, how hard would that be?" Arrby asked.

"Not too hard." Andrew replied, "We'd use a spirit summoning spell. The question is whether or not the Seven Sorcerers will give us their blessing."

"But we have no other choice in means of protection from the darkness of the Realm of Shades." Ryder said.

"Good point." Charles replied.

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