Where No one goes

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DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything The fanfiction is just Adopted The Httyd Franchise and Books belongs to Dreamscape and Cressida Cowell.





"Yelling and Exclamation!"

"Whispering and Silent Yelling!"



( Flashback )


"-( Foreign Language )-"



Chapter 5. Where No one goes.

Heather and Hiccup were sitting on the left side of the front row, with Toothless lying in front of them. It looked like the dragon took a liking to the girl too. The vikings were unsure as to what to make of it but decided not to rattle the Chief any further. Stoick the Vast already looked unhappy with the developments. Astrid had to settle for a place between Fishlegs and the twins with Snotlout ending the front row. The screen turned on.

[The scene changes to a boundless sky. Vast. Clear. Crisp. And from it, a black speck rockets across the horizon. The image of unbridled freedom. Tucked into his riding position, Hiccup appears to be part of Toothless. They dip, roll and dive, over a sea teeming with Thunderdrums, pulling off daring maneuvers with honed refinement, making them seem effortless.]

"Wow!" Was the only thing everyone in the room could say and think. It was truly incredible! Even Stoick could not help but feel amazed by this. However, Hiccup looked shocked:

"I lost a leg?!" He yelled, for everyone to hear. People looked a bit sad at this. Losing a limb is always hard, but at such an early age? Even worse. Gobber tried to raise the mood:

"Don't worry, kid, at least you have a cool mask!"

"Yeah, to hide his scars." Snotlout added, sneering. His response was not well-taken though.

Heather tried to comfort Hiccup. She put a hand on his shoulder and said:

"It is alright, Hiccup. These things happen. The important thing is, you are alive and well." Hiccup smiled back at her. Astrid was furious.

"Hey, Toothless, looks like both you and me lost a leg. Or, well, a tail for you." He petted the Night Fury, who clearly looked sad. Even the other dragons looked mournful. Night Fury was not a friendly dragon, but definitely a good ally in their raids so to see him lose part of a tail was sad.

Hiccup continued. "I am sorry to see what happened to us, bud, but let's not be sad, alright? At least we have each other." He said and smiled. The dragon understood and nodded enthusiastically.


[They jackknife, heading skyward, rolling and tumbling through the ethereal cloud-scapes and joining high-flying Timberjacks as they soar in formation. Hiccup is bound head-to-toe in a snug, aerodynamic flight suit - an asymmetrical, functional design of leather and articulated plates. It has an air of Viking bike leather.]

Everyone was oohing and aahing at the tricks the pair was doing. Flying upwards, downwards, spinning and free falling was amazing! And the dragon looked happy! He was wiggling his tongue for Thor's sake! It was definitely surprising.

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