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DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything The fanfiction is just Adopted The Httyd Franchise and Books belongs to Dreamscape and Cressida Cowell.





"Yelling and Exclamation!"

"Whispering and Silent Yelling!"



( Flashback )


"-( Foreign Language )-"



CHAPTER 3. Crumbling Beliefs

Gasps could be heard behind Hiccup as he opened his eyes and saw the Night Fury leaning into his hand. He was elated! And the teens' reactions were priceless. Fishlegs looked like he was about to faint, Snotlout's jaw nearly hit the floor, the twins' eyebrows nearly touched their long hair and Astrid had her eyes bulged out (he still found it cute).

"So, um, bud." He said slowly to the Night Fury. "How about you, and I, go and, um, eat some food? I am sure you are hungry."

Night Fury nodded. The dragon felt happy that the small viking took liking to him. Why would not he, though? He is a Night Fury, for crying out loud! Now just to see what his friends ('That is, if they ARE his friends'-dragon thought) think of him. He slowly approached them. No one moved, though it was mostly due to paralysis. Night Fury sat down and looked at them, tilting his head a little.

Fishlegs was the first to break the silence.

"Wow, Night Fury! H-hi!" He squeaked. Hiccup decided to take the matters into his own hands. He was surprisingly feeling something strange in his gut. It was not hunger. In fact it was not physical. Was it...pride? Happiness? This positive emotion was definitely overwhelming but he tried to control himself.

"So, bud, my name is Hiccup. This is Astrid, Fishlegs, twins Ruffnut and Tuffnut, and Snotlout." He gestured to all the teens, who awkwardly waved. Night Fury just nodded their heads at each one.

"Anyway, I think others are waiting for us, bud, so how about we go there?" Hiccup asked of Night Fury, who looked like he agreed. Side by side, a boy and a dragon exited the room to get some refreshments.

"No wonder you chose Hiccup over Snotlout, Astrid." Tuffnut said.

"Yeah! Much cooler! But, if you don't want him, I wouldn't mind going for him myself!" Ruffnut said with a smirk.

"Hey! Astrid did not CHOOSE Hiccup over me. She must have been promised to the Chief. She clearly looked unhappy in the future!" Snotlout cried.

"Yeah, Astrid was very unhappy. Especially when winning the race." Fishlegs said with a smile.

"Shut up Fishman."

"Are you done? Cause I for one want to see the future and we won't get closer to watching it if we are discussing trivial things." Astrid said, finishing the conversation. Truth was, she did not really like where it was heading and did not want to blush anymore. 'Control yourself, Astrid Hofferson. You are a viking! No more blushes till the end of the future. No. More. Blushes.'

Time Skip

Hiccup was surprised to see all the vikings not approach him when he entered the snack room. He was glad about it, but was not sure what was the reason behind their sudden loss of interest. Then it hit him. A certain dragon walking by him may have been the reason. Another reason to like him, then.

Stoick called him. "Son, we need to talk. Without your dragon." He added, earning a glare from the Night Fury.

Hiccup knew it was coming so he had to comply. He nodded, before getting on a knee and saying. "Hey, bud, why don't you go and have some fish with your friends over there? You could talk to them so they could meet my friends." Night Fury scoffed at that. He had no friends! Well, except maybe a certain boy that was slowly growing on him. "I need to talk with my dad. Wish me luck." Hiccup smiled and received a smile (somewhat better than the first one) from the dragon.

"Hey, dad." Hiccup said when he approached the Chief. "Look, dad, I don't..."

"Don't worry, Hiccup." Stoick said firmly.

" are okay, with all...this?" The son asked.

"I have 2 ideas as to what is happening. Either this is all just rubbish and the demon is trying to trick us." Stoick said suddenly he felt a child run down his spine when he called me a demon remembering my word as well me being around the room. "Or it is really true. You trained the beasts! They no longer attack us! Son, as soon as it is all done, I will put you into dragon training. You must have captured the Night Fury and tamed it!"

"But, dad, I don't want to FIGHT dragons. And I can't kill them either." Hiccup said, a little downcast. Stoick looked unabashed.

"Of course you want to! And you can! How do you think you got to tame that beast?"

"Dad, don't call him beast!" Hiccup loudly interjected, earning hushed whispers from everyone listening (which was all Berk). "His name is..." And he looked at the Night Fury, who was playing with a fish, before putting it into his mouth. Before finishing it, Hiccup noticed that the Night Fury had no teeth. Dragon with no teeth? Hmm. "Toothless. Yeah, that's right. Toothless."

"Son, have you gone mad? He is clearly not your equal, and does not deserve a name!" Stoick added, getting angry. His son was disobeying him. Nothing new, really, but this was on another level.

Hiccup had enough of it, too. That...feeling he had in the future room was back and it was urging him to speak up. He never did that before, or at least successfully tried to (outtalking the Chief of Vikings is not an easy task), but he was ready.

"Well, guess what, father? His name is Toothless. And he is my dragon. You can accept it if you want, or not. I don't care anymore. All my life everyone thought of me as failure. Including you. The best thing I got from anyone was Astrid, and it was being ignored!" The said girl looked guilty, as did the rest of the village. "I don't know how he got into my life, but he is my first friend and it only took me 15 years to get one! And a dragon! Not one of us, but a dragon. You know nothing of what I felt, still feel, so don't talk about me as if you know me. You DON'T!"

And with that, Hiccup felt that feeling disappearing. He felt dread overtake him. What did he just say?! Was he suicidal? His father would kill him! However, he needed to make sure that he left on a high so he turned away and walked towards the dragons. He was done talking. He just wanted to be near Nig...Toothless. The dragon, who was eyeing him curiously, was only too happy to see his favorite human come back. Other dragons were finished by this point and were slowly returning back to their seats.

Suddenly one of the doors in the snack room opened and several others walked in.

'Oh, boy.' Hiccup thought. 'Prepare for fireworks.'

A/N: And that's a wrapped for this guys Chapter 3.

I'm just following on how it was originally written go check out the original.

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