The promise.

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for several months, me and Hanae talked about everything, we got to know each other perfectly every night before sleeping in these little cages that hurt like hell
in our misfortune, we had a lot of chances, despite the rush of blows and shame, we do not regret.

one day, while we were digging to plant trees, one of the guards was particularly cruel, he did not hesitate to hit us even when we were working like dogs, come to think of it, even dogs are more human than this guy. Anyway, this guard was starting to hover around Hanae, he blamed her for doing her job badly.
-"Hey little girl, stop rushing your work, and hold your shovel properly, you look like an old lady."
without answering, she continued to dig which enraged this man because his unhealthy ego desire was touched, so he punched hanae and knocked her to the ground, but that was not all, he started to do something horrible, he tried to undress Hanae. when I saw that, I rushed with my shovel and gave him a huge blow then others, he tried to get up but I ended up taking his knife and slashing his throat wildly, and planting him multiple times, the others guards saw this and kicked me down, in my mind I was already dead.

-"You're gonna die kid!"
-"Let me go! He was trying to rape her!"
-"what's happening here!?"

The chief of the city arrived, when he saw me immobilized on the ground, and the still hot corpse of one of his guards with a knife in his heart, he immediately understood the situation.

-"Okay... i see, so this little kid killed one of my men."
-"Yes sir! How do you want us to kill him?!"
-"No need to kill him, if this weak child eliminated the guard, it means that he wasn't worthy to be part of our clan." He said while kicking the corpse.
he had no problem about losing a guard, they finally released me and I finished my work without worries.

Later at night:

-"hey Kaito..." hanae said shyly.
-"Hi, how are you doing?"
-"I'm okay, thank you for your help."
-"don't worry, he deserves it, and that's made me very happy when i saw his blood escaping from his body."
-"Yeah but you risked your life for me, you could have died."
-"pffff... I don't care if i die, the only regret i could have is to not being able to kill them all."
-"I don't want you to die Kaito, you're the only person who i can count on."
-"I have a great idea, i wanna escape from this place, but i need someone to help me Hanae, are you ready for it?"
-"Do you think that we could escape this place?"
-"Of course we can, that's gonna be magnificent!"

This night we made a promise, flee this place.

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