The day everything changed.

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one morning when we woke up, several guards made an alley, I still thought it was to make me pay for having killed this guard the other day, it was indeed for me but for another reason.
a mysterious hooded man appeared, he was surrounded by henchmen, he has purple hair with two locks sticking out from each side of his hood, he also had purple pupils, he spoke to the great chief of the city.
-"Hello, I don't want to lose my time here so tell me... where is the kid?"
-"Here he is, his name is Kaito."
-"Hi Kaito, how are you?"
I didn't answer, I started to look down, I didn't want to meet his gaze.
-"I see that you're not very talkative, rejoice you're finally free Kaito, i'm your new dad." He said while taking off his hood.

I didn't think it could happen to me, I can't say that I was disappointed, it would be selfish from me knowing that lots of other children would dream of being free, but I was very sad because for me Hanae was everything I had, the one person who still gave me hope and happiness. we finally freed me from the cage, I looked at hanae one last time knowing that I was not going to see her again, our faces were imbued with a big sadness.

when they took me to the destination, I saw a huge castle, it was not a normal house, it was gigantic, this man was very rich.
-"Come on Kaito, you can get off the carriage."
I followed him, and made me enter and visit the whole castle from top to bottom, he also introduced me to his wife and son who were not very talkative.

once that was done, he offered me the best meal of my life, it was a sumptuous buffet with all the food that could be found in the world, he also asked me about my previous life, and how i ended up in this nightmarish town.
the first few weeks went pretty well, although I was thinking about hanae every day, and imagining all the harm that could potentially happen to her.
I couldn't imagine that I would have a chance like this, pretty clothes, nice food, a comfortable bed to sleep on, etc...
But despite that, I felt something negative, a heavy wave that sometimes make me feel uncomfortable, and I was right.

I've lived here without problems for a while, and I realized that I didn't even know the name of this man who took me home with great generosity, so I asked him, his name was Takefusa.

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