Takefusa's plan.

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Few days later:
-"Kaito! Get up! I need to talk about something."  He said loudly.

i got dressed and went downstairs when i saw something weird, takefusa waiting for me in the middle of the big hall with a stick in hand.

-"Come here Kaito!"

He hit me hard in the head which knocked me on the ground.

-"Get up Kaito! Be a man!"
I don't know what happen, I felt that all the suffering that I lived resurface in me, I bitterly regretted having left my life as a slave, because another much worse life reached me.
-"Kaito! My son! Get up! You're my hope! Be a bloodthirsty killer for me!
You're gonna follow a great training! You will become strong and you will follow my orders! Kaito! Kill for me! To make my dream come true!"

he grabbed me by the collar and threw me across the hall with great violence, I ended up fainting thinking that I'm back to square one.

for several years, takefusa trained me hard, I couldn't take it anymore, he taught me how to use certain weapons, especially the katana, he also showed me how strong humans could be by teaching me "sensory energy" this is a second reserve of energy which considerably improves our strength, our speed, reflexes, our agility but also the 5 senses.
at each training I got hit, he gave me no respite, sometimes I hide to avoid training but it was useless, I was just a simple object, and I didn't even know why he did that to me, he just told me it was to "make his dream come true" it reminded me of when i was a slave, except his blows hurt excruciatingly more. I had even more hate in me, it never faded, I wanted to kill them all, but unfortunately I couldn't compete, they all had more experiences than me despite the intensive training I underwent, and I couldn't run away, either because I would have bitterly regretted.
the rest of my "family" weren't claimant, and they almost always ignored me, I was considered as a training machine who responded to their orders, they were all murderers, big psychopaths, they coldly eliminated their enemies, as far as I was concerned, they had decided that I was going to become a member of their family of killers. however a question was running through my head, why did they choose me to be their new member?

after a while, Takefusa felt me ​​ready, and assigned me to an assassination mission, the first of a very long series, for three years I eliminated an incalculable number of people under the penalty of being punished. I was very afraid of Takefusa, I was so afraid of receiving his blows that I succeeded in all my missions, I asked myself again and again why I had to kill all these people, I did not dare to ask him because i would that he would horribly messed up, but I finally mustered up my courage and asked him, and surprisingly he answered me.
I came back to do my mission report.

-"I'm back lord Takefusa, I've killed the two messengers."
-"Nice Kaito, very nice, that's make me terribly happy! I can finalize my project now!"
-"Lord Takefusa, can i ask you something?"
-"Hahaha! You're finally interested about my project! All these things, these genocides will allow to establish a universal peace guided by me! I'm the savior! I will be the lord of this world!"

I understood at that moment that he was seriously ill, having a plan to become lord of the world is very far-fetched but given the strength of his clan, I wouldn't even be surprised if he could become the master of the world.
But I also understood that I was only a pawn to achieve his plan, it bothers me because he has people much stronger than me on his side, what was I used for? my job could have been done by someone else with greater power than mine. why did he include me in his plans?

Herling of silenceWhere stories live. Discover now