New goals.

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-"Look Kaito, you are safe here, no one will attack us directly."
-"Now, let me introduce you to your new partners, there is Tomohiro Khan, Don Walsh, Aang Renji, Ryu Rojas et Hanae."
Hanae... no it's not possible, it's probably a different person.
-"Unmask now!" He ordered.
Everyone took off their mask, except one person, Tomohiro, but I didn't even notice, my eyes were on Hanae.
Yes! it was her! I will recognize her among a thousand, with her long brown hair and her sparkling eyes of the same color.
-"What is it Kaito? Did you know her?"
-"...I think."
She immediately puts her mask back on.
"Take off your mask Tomohiro!" Said Meiji loudly.
He came towards me, when he was a few centimeters from me, I could see his eyes filled with hatred through his mask, I already felt that it was going to start bad with this Tomohiro.
-"I don't consider him among us Meiji, I don't want to take any risks with this kind of guy, especially for what he have in him."
Meiji walked towards Tomohiro and landed a massive kick.
-"I will not repeat it Tomohiro."
He got up with difficulty from the ground and unmasked, we could see that he imposed a lot with his look.
He ends up unmasking himself, and daring me with his gaze, at this moment my green eyes changed into a brilliant purple, like those of Takefusa, he fell to the ground and equipped himself with his katana, but I quickly regained my senses.
But i didn't care about that, i thought i would never have seen hanae again, it had been years since i haven't seen her, she was very cold but all i wanted was to talk to her.
Once the introductions were over, Hanae headed to another room, I decided to follow her.
-"Hello..." I said shyly.
-"Hanae, is it you?"
-"Hanae answer me, I want you to tell me that's you."
She doesn't try to answer me, is it because I left her so suddenly?
I approached her, but she pushed me away violently.
-"Listen, it's been over six years since I saw you for the last time, it's not my fault that I left so suddenly, I couldn't do anything about it."
-"I don't know you, I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about."
Am I mistaken about the person, or has she perhaps forgotten me?

I end up by leaving the room because Meiji calls me, but this disturbs me how does it make her consider me more? I was like a stranger to her.
-"Hey, I hope you don't blame Tomohiro for talking badly to you, I really want you all to live in good conditions it's very essential for me and for the others too."
-"No, don't worry about it, I already forgot about it."
-"That's good, now let me tell you more about the people we need to kill, and also about your security, many persons will try to capture you for your power or eliminate you because of the danger you represent now, I don't wanna let you alone, it's one of my biggest priority now, I want to protect you, and I wanna help us to fight the futur threat, it is in our conviction to save this world, we aren't just a group, we are shinobi."
-"Shinobi? Did you mean ninjas?"
-"Yeah, we are here to protect the world, and I wanna train you to be on of the strongest, with the power of Takefusa, you can be invincible."
-"Do you think that I can control his power?"
-"Of course you can, with the sensory energy the humans could do many incredible things, you can believe me, I'm gonna help you to delete this horrible person from you."
-"Thank you Meiji, can I ask you a question?"
-"Of course!"
-"What do you know about Takefusa?"
-"Wow, that's very delicate, in reality Takefusa is my father."
-"Haha, yeah unfortunately I'm his son, he got me with a woman that he killed, she was my mom, and the most courageous person I've never see... by the way, let's talk about something different, our next victim."
-"Yeah, you're right sorry."
-"never mind, his name is Kaï, one of the eight rulers of infinity, he wants to create a stone world, where every human will be replaced by a statue to purify us for a long time from our sins according to him."
-"Where is he?"
-"We located him, he lives not far from Mount Fuji, he made a huge stone village and start his project there."
-"His plan is crazy."
-"Yeah that's what I thought the first time, but before facing him you need a nice training Kaito, you have to focus on the sensory energy of Takefusa, I'm gonna help you to control a little bit from it."
-"Thanks Meiji, should I call you master?"
-"Let me think, call me Sensei."
-"Okay, in this case, help me to become a real Shinobi Meiji Sensei!"

he puts his hand on my head carefully, It's been a long time since I felt any proof of affection, my journey start from this moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2022 ⏰

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