War and sealing.

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during a relentless training alone, Takefusa's brother challenged me by discreetly attacking me, something that I managed to counter.
-"I see that you're improving day by day Kaito."
-"Yes, and I always remain on my guard as you notice it Finn."
-"Well done! Well done! I congratulate you, I understand that Takefusa inform you about his plan."
-"Yeah, and I will do my best to make him realize it, I know that I'm just a piece of the puzzle, I will surely die in battle, if by miracle I survive, he will probably kill me, and I can't do anything to stop it, my fate is sealed."
-"Something tells me that you won't be just a simple soldier without importance, moreover if he wants to shape a world in his image, he will need you, or rather the power hidden in you."
-"What power are you talking about? He has no interest in having it, he is the strongest."
-"You are wrong, his plan will not succeed if you're not there, he intends to use your strength because you hold the keys of a new world, you are the missing piece of his puzzle, I tell you Kaito! He intends to kill you to seize your power."
-"Why would I believe you?"
He took his dagger and stabbed it in his hand.
-"Look at this Kaito, our feelings, secrets and knowledge are hidden within us, but when we reveal them we show to the persons that they can trust us, it's just like this blood, it was in my veins and I revealed it to show you my sincerity, believe me! I hate Takefusa, almost as much as you, and his death would suit a lot of people, and you're almost the only one who can do it, as you said it, you have nothing to lose."

so I was right, takefusa intends to kill me, I am the key to achieve his project, I am potentially the only person who can eliminate him, the games are over.

it has now been more than three months since the war began, takefsua's plan is not far from materializing, the only obstacle preventing it was isaac hart, his rival and lifelong enemy, they both learned the martial arts with the same master, takefusa's father, isaac was raised by him because he wanted to repent of his sins especially for all the harm he did to his son, like me takefusa had followed a hard training also undergoing great violence, this gave rise to a great inferiority complex in takefusa because he saw isaac evolve more than him without being exploited, he ended up killing his father and exiled himself far to question his life and his future.
ever since, takefusa wanted to try the same strategy as his father, exploiting a hate-filled child within him, why is it so important to have a great hate for these two men? because life follows a cycle, one generation after another, each one of them generates a person who will have more hatred than the other, this one will be conferred on him a great energy and force because he will be chosen by the earth itself so that he can protect it, but the human is endowed with thought, which means that he has the choice between saving the world or destroying it. takefusa's father was a child of the cycle of hatred, he had the power that could save the earth from certain people, then it was takefusa's turn to be the deliverer or the destroyer of the earth,then another person was it, but we don't know his identity, and today I am the new child of the cycle of hate.
my duty is to protect the earth from danger, and this threat is takefusa.
All this was told to me by finn, besides, he taught me some techniques that can be useful to me during this war, and told me what I have to do first before facing Takefusa, kill my "brother" and my "mother".

I walked with a determined step towards the battlefield totally in ruins, there were thousands of bodies, blood and guts spread the ground, at each step I heard the sound of half-dried blood coming off out of my shoes, i was going to kill once and for all these crazy family, until a person jumped out of a big pile of corpses, it was takefusa's wife.
-"What are you doing here Kaito, you're not supposed to fight?"
-"Shut up old lady! Don't you dare tell me what to do, understand?"
-"Hahaha! I know that you won't, stop talking bullshit I understood takefusa's plan, and now die for me!"

I've use a new technique that Finn taught to me. The lionheart"
this technique allows you to create a black orb that destroys the opponent's soul if it is hit.
she didn't even try to struggle and let herself be done, she shared the same ideals as takefusa, and didn't want to take any risk of hurting me.
but his son didn't agree that his mother should be killed, and decided to fight me.

finn taught me to master lightning, one of the five elements, I somehow managed to eliminate his nephew thanks to one of his techniques, breathe lightning into his arm and pierce the enemy. He calls it "piercing lightning."

after executing them, i went to see the final fight, takefusa against isaac, it was phenomenal, they were of a masterful level, they mastered the five elements, and came to master solar energy, it was the only ones who could use such a force, each blow was so powerful that it caused a horribly blinding light, and a gust of wind followed by an unbearable shock wave, I could not eliminate takefusa for the moment, so I waited patiently for the end of the fight.

came the end of the fight, takefusa was on his knees, with a sword in his stomach, he ended up slitting Isaac's throat, I rushed towards him to do battle but he managed to counter my lightning by protecting himself with the freshly dead body of isaac, he was too exhausted to kill me, so he separates his soul and sensory energy from his body and seal himself inside me.
he was now part of me, our two souls were connected, we were one, and he wanted to take control of my body, I tried to calm him down while he tried to take hold of me, we were now bound for eternity, me and my greatest fear, me and my enemy.

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