Part 14

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Previously on LOVE ME FOR ME...

Anthony: "how you think it's going to be with me staying with y'all?"
Camilla: "I'm happy but nervous... I know it's going to be a bit of a challenge for my G-Ma and brother. Good thing my brother don't live with us though."

Anthony nodded.

Anthony: "yeah. But regardless of how your family feels about me, that's not going to change the way I feel about you. Nor is it going to run me off."
Camilla: "promise?"
Anthony: "I promise baby."

10 minutes later they pulled up. Anthony put the car in park and turned off the engine.

Anthony: "well, the journey begins."

The present...

Camilla's grandpa seen them pulling up in the yard so he opened the door. About 2 minutes later Camilla and Anthony entered the house with their things in their hands.

Willy: "Hey Anthony, it's a guest room you can take. Let me show you."

Anthony nodded and let Willy lead the way. Camilla on the other hand was left in the living room with her grandma.

Camilla: "how do you feel about this.... G-MA? And I want you to be honest."
Gloria: "baby I just want what's best for you. I always wanted a granddaughter before Cilla was even grown."

Cilla is Camilla's mother.

Gloria: "so when Cilla first got pregnant, of course I was happy and anxious. I hoped and prayed that she was carrying a girl. But when we found out the gender of course it was a boy. I was disappointed just a little tiny bit but I am not going to disown my grandkids based off of gender."

Camilla wiped a tear getting emotional hearing about the story.

Gloria: "so 3 years later she was pregnant again. Like always i hoped for a granddaughter and she did too. I was still going to be happy if it was a boy but I really really wanted my granddaughter. When we found out the sex of you, we found out you were a girl. Oh man was I so happy..."

Gloria smiled reminiscing about the old times. Camilla smiled a little bit while still wiping tears.

Gloria: "When Cilla was growing up she was a girly girl. We always did girly things together like tea parties, getting nails and toes done, matching cute little girly outfits... it was the best feeling in the world and I wanted her to experience that with you. I wanted to experience that again which I know that your mother would experience those things with you more than I did. Well, that's until she passed away. When she passed away I was devastated and heartbroken. Looking at you, you look just like her. You reminded me of her growing up."

Gloria: "so since I was going to be raising you, I tried to do everything that I use to do with Cilla. That's until you turned 7 or 8 and decided you weren't into doing girly things. I can't lie and say I haven't been disappointed every since then. I guess my problem is I was so focused on in what I wanted in a granddaughter to the point where I wasn't focused on what would make YOU or your mother happy? I don't know... but I am so sorry and Im sorry that I didn't accept you for who you are. But right now? I promise i will accept you. No matter how feminine or masculine you are. And I will try to get know your boyfriend. Whether I end up liking him or not, I will respect your decision because it makes you happy."

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