Part 2

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I actually got the job! I think I partly got the job because it was my manger that gave me the interview and we get along really well, I was so happy I was finally making some money.

The presale for the Harry Style's tickets are coming out tomorrow and I need to try and get the code for the venue presale. My boss is a bit of an asshole, so I didn't want to ask him. But my manger loves me so I decided to ask her for the code.

When I asked her she look surprised and replied, "we had you working that night, Eve." 

My face dropped and I nearly started crying, I only started working here for the tickets now I can't even get them.

I was thinking about how bad it will be working while everyone else is having fun, but the worst bit is I don't even work in the area that he will be playing. I'll have to sit here and listen to hi-

My manager interrupts my train of thought. 

"Eve don't worry darling, I'm only messing with you." She says with a chuckle in her voice.

"I know you're a massive fan of him, so I got you two tickets for front row pit." She quickly explains, I screamed and started crying. 

I ran to my manger and jumped into her arms. I couldn't let go of her I was so happy, she is the best manager ever.

After work I went over to Kellie's house to tell her the good news. She reacted pretty much the same as I did, she loves Harry just as much if not more than me. We probably spent the rest of the day jumping around in her room, and planning our outfits.

Because of all the excitement, I was finally getting my mind off my dick head ex boyfriend. 

Then he decides to text me that afternoon. 

"Baby I've been missing you so much lately, I really want to take you out for some drinks one night. I want to apologise for everything I have ever done to hurt you baby."Kellie saw the text and screamed. 

"EVE I SWEAR IF YOU TEXT THAT ASSHOLE BACK-" She says with a vein nearly popping out of her skull, from anger. 

I started to cry. I couldn't handle all the emotion, I love Jack so much its hard for me just to ignore his message.

But I'm finally feeling good about myself again, I didn't want to let that feeling go. 

"I'm not going to text him back," I replied in a soft voice wiping the tears off my face. Kellie smiled and gave me a big huge, "I'm so proud of you Everleigh."

That night I got into bed and started to think about Jack's message. I tried so hard to not text him back, but I couldn't help myself I just wanted to see him again. Even though I knew it was a bad idea, that he was probably going to break my heart all over again. I decided to meet up with him tomorrow night for a couple of drinks.

I went to bed that night thinking of how I made a huge mistake, I kept contemplating wether I should text him back and cancel. But I didn't.

When I got to the bar, I had a bad feeling in my stomach from the start. My brain wanted me to get out of there and never come back, but my heart didn't let the urge take over, sadly.

He finally arrived 20 minutes late, which made me question his intentions straight off the bat. 

The first words that came out of his mouth was, "I knew you missed me baby, you just can't resit me." He says with a smirk on his face.

My heart dropped as he tried lean in to kiss me, I pushed him away and said, "Jack I didn't come here to get back with you straight away, I just wanted to see where your head is at first." 

I sat there with a blank face not knowing what he was going to reply with.

"Baby I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset. I just missed you so much." He answered looking pleased with himself.

I didn't reply. I downed my drink and we finally started talking again.

"Does Kellie know you're here?" He questions, but already knowing the answer. 

"What do you think Jack?" I reply. 

"yeah she never did like me much," he answers with a smirk on his face.

"That bitch always pissed me off." He chuckles, but I sit there with a frown on my face. 

He notices that I am upset with what he said and apologises.

After he insulted Kellie I was over it I didn't want anything to do with him, but I wasn't strong enough to just get up and leave. So I had to sit and listen to his dreadful stories for the rest of the night.

Finally he was ready to leave, so I started to say goodbye to him, until he stops me. 

"Eve baby, why don't you come over to mine and stay the night?" He asks with a huge smile on his face.

My heart was racing, because I knew if I didn't say yes then he will go crazy. But then again I couldn't bare the thought of having sex with this arrogant asshole.

Once again I was stuck, I didn't want to stay the night but I knew I had no choice. 

"Um, ok but I'm really tired tonight so I think I will just crash straight away." I finally reply with a shaky tone of voice. 

He nodded his head and smirked at me, before grabbing my hips. 

He pulled me into him and whispered, "sure you are baby." 

I cringed at this interacting and pushed him away from me. 

"Jack I'm serious I am not in the mood, I just want to go to bed." I reply, covering my exposed belly with both of my arms.

Jack groaned from disappointment at my words.

We finally got out of the bar and started heading to Jack's house. I sat in the front seat nervously playing with my rings, knowing what he will be like when we get back.


Author Notes:

Sorry, some of the chapters will be a lot shorter than others, mostly because of how I want the book to be read. But in saying that some of the chapters might be a lot longer than the others. Really what i'm trying to say is don't expect all the chapters to be the exact same length.

Also hope you're enjoying the book so far and please make sure to let me know your thoughts in the comments, it will really help me out with future chapters :)

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