Part 4

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I woke up in hospital the next morning. Kellie and my parents are all there when I woke up.

"Wha- ahh... what am I doing here?" I ask them, as they were staring at me.

"Jack brought you here, he said that you got too drunk and fell over and hit your head." Kellie replies. "I don't even know why you were with him in the first place." She continues, whilst rolling her eyes.

Everything came back to me from last night, why I was actually here. I held back my tears, as I didn't want my parents to be concerned.

Kellie seemed to know that something was up, but she didn't say anything either.

My parents came over and gave me a hug.

"God Eve, this is why we don't like you drinking." Mum says, while holding me in her arms.

"I know i'm really sorry it won't happen again," I quickly answer back.

"Eve don't tell me you're drinking and taking drugs again?" My dad interrupts me, looking very concerned.

"No, no way dad i'm over that time in my life I promise." I reply feeling like I need to throw up, but holding it in.

I can't throw up, not now. Not while mum and dad are here.

Kellie can see that something is really wrong with me, so she somehow convinces my parents to go home and get some rest.

I don't know what I would do with out her, she is the only person in the world I can truely trust.

Once my parents are gone she turns to me straight away.

"What the fuck did that asshole do now." She says to me while her eyes are already tearing up.

I have a feeling she already knows that he was responsible for my concussion, so I don't even explain what happened.

I just break down, and I mean fully break down.

Tears start streaming down my face, but not one sound comes out of my mouth.

Im quite.

I'm full of so much fucking emotion, it's too hard to deal with it all at once.

My lungs start to feel like they are closing in on each other, slowing getting closer and closer, until I can hardly breath.

I panic.

I try everything I possibly can to get some sort of fresh air into my lungs.

Kellie try's to comfort me, but she knows that only one thing can help me right now.

My dog.

Kellie faces me and tells me that she will be back in 5 minutes.

I already know where she is going.

After 5 long painful minutes of trying to deal with my panic attack, I finally hear Kellie's voice just outside my hospital room.

"Please, please my friend is sick and she needs him right now," I hear her voice in destress.

"Ma'am, I'm really sorry but no dogs are aloud in this hospital." I hear another voice reply to her.

"Well too fucking bad asshole, I tried to be civil with you but you're not going to listen to me." She starts to get angry with the poor man trying to do his job. "So you're going to let me in to this room and i'm taking the dog too, or you are going to be responsible for my best friends death and i'm going to tell your boss that it was all your fault and you're going to lose your job and live on the streets!"

Damn I knew she was scary, but I didn't know she could be terrifying.

I hear the man slowly step away from the door, and finally see Kellie greeting me with my other best friend.

I already feel at ease, seeing both of them standing with me in the same room.

Jelly jumps up on my bed and cuddles up to me, he always knows exactly what to do when I have panic attacks.

I takes me 30 minutes to fully calm down.

Once Kellie realises that my attack is over she starts to talk to me again.

"Babe, i'm so sorry he did this to you again." she looks at me with her eyes still watering.

I look back at her with no expression what so ever.

This concerns her, I can tell by the way her eyes turned from sorrow to fright real quick.

"Eve, this needs to stop he's just going to keep doing this to you."

I know Kellie, trust me I know.

I'm just not strong enough.

"The first step to getting over someone is to get under someone," she continues with a slight smirk on her face.

I guess that could be an idea, I haven't really thought about being with anyone else but Jack. So maybe if I try, then I could finally get over him for good.

I don't tell Kellie this because I don't have it in me to talk right now.

But I sometimes think she can read my mind. She replies with, "i'm glad you agree." Even though I didn't even reply back to her, I guess we are just platonic soulmates or something like that.

We spend the rest of the day in hospital, talking about all the possible people I could 'get under' but I don't feel particularly attracted to any of them.

"What about Harry styles," Kellie says jokingly. "Surely you would want to fuck him."

I start to laugh.

"Yeah well we are going to his concert this weekend, you better be prepared," She continues.

"Oh yeah, it's definitelyy going to happen." I say sarcastically.

I kind of forgot that we were going to a Harry Style's concert this weekend, it actually brings up my mood quite a lot.

Kellie stays with me until I'm finally released from hospital and sent back home.

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