Part 8

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"Style, is the answer to everything." The screams only get louder and louder.

"Dah... Dah, Dah, Dah ,Dah." Girls started crying, and dropping to the floor.

"A fresh way to approach, a dull or dangerous thing..." 

"Dah... Dah, Dah, Dah, Dah." I look over to see Kellie nearly having heart attack. 

"To do a dull thing with style, is preferable to doing a dangerous thing without it... Dah, Dah, Dah, Dah."

"To do a dangerous thing with style, is what I call art." 

"Dah... Dah, Dah, Dah ,Dah." At this point I can hardly hear anything but the whole stadium screaming and crying out his name.

"Style, is the difference the way of doing. Dah, Dah, Dah, Dah." Here it is, here he comes.

"A way of being done..." 

This is it this is the moment Kellie and I have been waiting for, I turn to Kellie and give her the biggest hug.

There comes Harry running on stage, going on each side of the stadium. 

He really is a show man, the way he can rile up a whole stadium, until all you can feel is the shaking of the floor beneath you.

There he is, right in front of Kellie and I. He has such a different presence on stage compared to real life, I can tell he is two seperate people, just from seeing him for not long on stage.

"Hey! Dah, Dah, Dah, Dah." I can feel his voice inside my body, vibrating with how loud the speakers are, and it the best feeling I have ever experienced.

He starts singing golden, I just enjoy the whole song admiring the way he performs on stage.

After he finishes singing the first few songs he starts to interact with the crowd a bit, asks some girls their names, singing happy birthday to another girl and finally making his way over to Kellie and I. My heart drops, he's going to know I lied to him.

I actually feel kind of bad, I don't want him to think any less of me. But I guess that's what you get for not telling the truth.

As soon as he makes his way over, he covers the mic with his hand mouthing 'I knew it,' with a little smirk on his face.

My face instantly turns red with embarrassment, and I yell back at him.

"I never said I didn't know who you are!" I say, trying to get away with it. 

Kellie turns to me in shock.

"Um, what the fuck was that?" She questions, as Harry walks away starting his next song. 

I just cover my face, not wanting to explain anything to her right now. 

"I'll tell you later just enjoy the show." Kellie hesitates before finally leaving me alone to drown in my embarrassment.

I watched, danced and sung, for most of the night. Then came my favourite song of all time, Fine Line. This song has saved my life, I love it with all my heart. 

It would always help me deal with all the emotions that I had, during my toxic relationship with jack. With out I don't think I would be here today. Call me dramatic, I don't care. 

Just before he started to sing, I break down in tears. I can't believe I'm here experiencing this live. It's amazing.

As I was crying, Kellie gave me a massive hug during most of the song. I looked up to the stage to see Harry moving over to where we were. 

He stopped right in front of me, and started to sing the song right to me, not breaking eye contact.

"You'll be alrighttttt...." Harry chances the lyrics for me, and I nearly drop to the floor crying, because of the three words that just came out of his mouth. It's everything I needed to hear right now, with all that's going on with Jack. I might actually be alright this time.

It was so amazing, it felt like we were the only two people there in a crowded stadium full of thousands. I've never felt anything like it. 

I was so in awe of him, his green eyes were piercing through my soul in the most beautiful way. I couldn't look away from him, and neither could he. 

Then I snapped back to reality, of Kellie yelling at me. 

"Eve, what the fuck is going on. Everyone's going to know that Harry Styles has the fattest crush on you!!" She says screaming in my ear.

I think Harry snapped out of it as well, because the moment we broke eye contact he moved to the other side of the stage. 

Harry didn't even come close to me for the rest of the show, I think he realised how public this will go. 

I mean he makes eye contact with one girl and it's all over TikTok, so I don't blame him.

This will probably be everywhere by the morning, and I wouldn't be surprised. I feel bad for him. But, it's not like anyone will know who I am, so it'll just remain a mystery, right?

By the time the concert is finished, I have already had half of the stadium come up to me asking if I was Harrys 'new girlfriend'. It was so frustrating having to tell every single person the same thing over and over.

"No I am not, I am just a fan!" I was getting so exhausted by the end of the night, I was so ready to go home.

Kellie could see how much this was bothering me so she started yelling at every person that even came close to me, "fuck off, we are going home."

After Kellie scared about a hundred girls we finally made it back home, and I told Kellie the entire story. 

Of course she nearly slapped me a few times in the process, for not telling her straight away, but other then that I've never seen her so excited in her life.

"Please tell me you got his number." Kellie asks me desperately waiting for me to answer. 

"Kellie what the fuck do you think? It's Harry Styles, of course I didn't get his number."  

"Well then you have to DM him on instagram, Eve you can't just ignore the fact that he was totally into you!" Kellie says nearly screaming at this point with frustration.

"First of all there's no way he'll answer me anyways, and secondly nothing will ever happen. So please let's just move on." I say getting tired of explaining myself.

"Well, all I have to say is the internet isn't not going to move on any time soon, so why should you?" Kellie quickly replies, looking pleased with herself.

"We will see about that in the morning, but right now I need to sleep. Im going to pass out in any second." I say walking into the bathroom taking my makeup off.


The concert intro is his old one just because I love it so much, and I thought it would be fun to write about.

P.S sorry this took so long the write, I kinda lost motivation hehe :)

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