Armed Forces of the Philippines

516 11 7

Headquarters: Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo

Commander-in-chief: President Juan Valentino Cruz

Chief of Staff: General Alberto Domingo

Budget: $55 Billion

Nuclear Warheads: 0?

° ° °
Active Personnel: 750,000

Reserve Personnel: 1,110,000,00

Combat Tanks: 2,700

Infantry Fighting Vehicles: 1,800

Armored Personnel Carriers: 5,500

Self-Propelled Artilleries: 1,200

MLRS: 900

Towed Artillery: 550

MRAP: 1,200

Utility Trucks: 15,000

Naval Ships:

Aircraft Carriers: 0

Helicopter Carriers: 2

Cruisers: 0

Submarines: 17

Destroyers: 15

Frigates: 30

Corvettes: 13

Mine warfare: 5

Landing Ship Tanks (LST): 15

OPVs/Patrol Vessels: 90

Total: 187 ships.

Aerial Strength:

Fighter/Interceptor: 50

Multirole Fighter Jets: 250

Dedicated Attack: 60

Total: 360 aircraft

Utility Helicopters: 300

Attack Helicopters: 100

Anti-Submarine Helicopters: 13

Total: 343 Helicopters

Transport Aircraft: 55

Special Mission: 10


Total: 71 Aircraft

A/N: There we go, so, you'll notice the Philippines hella heavily armed, completely opposite to what is it in real life, well, I will be explaining the reason for that in the future chapters.

Lost In World: Philippines Where stories live. Discover now