Chapter 6: Oil Exploration

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"A.F.P. On The March"
(March Past of the Armed Forces of the Philippines)
Credits to: Canciones de Filipinas.


Elysia City, Elystad Kingdom.

In the castle where the royal family of Elystad lives. Two envoys from the Philippine government were sent to present a railway project in all of Elystad, along with private companies who want to invest in Elystad in many industries. The castle hall is filled with Filipino and foreign company representatives (The foreigners inside the country all stayed during the transference.) And government bodies.

A long table separates the two parties, on the left are the government bodies and private companies, while opposite them are the representative from the three different merchant guilds and nobles across Elystad. At both end of the long table is Philippine Ambassador Denis Sorsogon, and at the opposite end of the table is King Aurelio di Elystad.

"The bilateral meeting between the Kingdom of Elystad and private companies and our counterparts from the country Philippines shall now commence!" King Aurelio announced. After that, the two parties introduce themselves before the meeting proceeds.

Ambassador Denis stood from his chair and spoke, "First, I thank everyone for attending this meeting, I assume everyone how critical are these bilateral talks between my government and Elystad, this is also a step to further increase the relationship of both countries. Now, many companies from various industries wanted to invest in Elystad." Ambassador Denis then signaled the representative of the Department of Transportation Secretary Gilbert Cho.

"The Department of Transportation along with private companies offers the Elystad Kingdom to build a railway system across the kingdom, this is to boost the transportation of both local and imported goods, foreign goods are allowed to be transported via cargo trains, however,  there will be items prohibited to be transported in our railway systems, we will be handing those specific items later which are all banned and illegal based on our laws. We from the Department of Transportation offer to build railway systems to connect all the economic hubs of the kingdom, meanwhile, the private companies with us offer civilian train transportation across the kingdom, further details are written on these papers." Pieces of paper were passed onto the merchants and Elystad King.

Another man from a manufacturing company presents offers to the merchants, "We from Quezon Manufacturing Co. Offer a direct wholesale of goods, instead of manually buying goods in the New World Harbor, our company offers a direct sale to secure products and fasten the paper works and of course, costly wise."

"I'm Mark from Republic Steel and Engines Industry, we will offer private selling of different machines from farm equipment, like tractors, we also...."

"I'm Dr.Reyna from BMMC, we offer sales of medicines, simple medical equipment, and training..."

The meeting went very well for both parties, the Philippines has made another big trade with local merchant organizations and some foreign merchants, though there were still a lot of deals that were rejected, such as arms sales and advanced equipment imports, and technology sales.

The New World Technology Safeguard Act was passed by Congress and eventually became law. It prohibits sales and leakage of modern advanced technology. The items allowed to be sold were simple machines and some automobiles that were dated back to around the 1900s such as old car designs that were modified, of course, it was a pain in the ass for many companies, however, the Philippine government was extremely careful of leaking technology that will bite them back later, it's better to sell some old but classic techs in the 1900s, considering that they were 1700s people, importing modern products would not make any sense and as if they could use it without proper education, it was like giving a car to a person with zero experience in driving.

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