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Metallic feet tapped against the dark cold floor of the mall. Spud wondered when. He always thought when he would get the chance to attack. Those Lost Bots...He had a chance. Spud wanted them gone. Just. Gone. He would do anything to get them out. He had to give credit where credit was due, though. Bonz-eye infected him. She had given him tons of power. The best part? She didn't know it yet! His wolf was bigger and stronger than her! He couldn't wait to see how she liked being held down by a large paw! He was ready for that one night to come. But he knew before that could come he would need to practice. It wasn't safe to just go and attack without knowing what to do first. First thing he had to do: transform. It was painful. Terrible to go through. But it also made him feel...powerful. Strong. Amazing! The moonlight gave him special abilities that rarely anyone else had. So he would need to use them for himself. Not anyone else. Get revenge on everyone that banished you. Everyone. The moon was nearly out. Almost time to practice. He still had the triggers he had stolen from The Lost Bots. But he didn't want to practice those tonight. He needed to get used to being like this. Spud began to feel the pain rising in him. It all hurt so much! He needed to get used to it though. Suddenly his arms and legs began to crack a hit. They snapped into wolf joints and he screamed. This wasn't the most pleasant way in the word to become more powerful. He fell to the ground, convulsing in pain and agony. His size began to grow bigger and bigger, until he was four times his size! About the size of an average puppy.
"I-I wouldn't care so much if it didn't hurt!" He grunted. Fur began to spread around him, and his teeth turned into fangs. Behind him a tail grew out and he grunted with pain. The last part was the snout. His face pushed out and he howled out, finishing his transformation. Spud breathed heavily and uneasily onto the ground and began to cackle.
"Well...Time to practice more. Then I'll finally be able to take over!"

Salty Fur [BOOK 2] (BB Werewolf fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now