Moon Shifts (2)

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Bonz-eye stood aback. This was Howlarp. The Howlarp! The bot who had made those cookies with the curse in them!
"I'm Bonz-eye. This is Burgertron. We were...We were infected by your cookies." Howlarp went silent for a moment and nodded.
"I see. Oh geez hopefully this works out you two." He snapped his fingers and Bonz-eye felt strange. Burgertron shook too. They both gasped and turned back, coughing on the ground.
"Wh-What the heck was that?!" Burgertron gasped to Howlarp. Howlarp had a joyful expression on his face.
"Yes! It worked! Oh man this is great!" He said happily. Bonz-Eye got up, groaning and breathing heavily.
"How d-did you do that?!" She sputtered.
"If you wanna know, it's a long story. You two might need to sit down to hear it. Go ahead and follow me." Howlarp flicked his tail and walked deeper into the store. Bonz-eye and Burgertron gave each other an uneasy look before following Howlarp. They ended up in the back of the store where Howlarp jumped into a small hole in the ground. The two followed along into the damp hole. Inside the hole was a table made of cardboard with a small jar with green illuminating light, seemingly coming from fireflies. Six chairs made of popsicle sticks with hot glued beads on the bottom for the legs, and tiny doll pillows for the cushions were around the room, and Howlarp moved three of the chairs to the corner of the pit like room. On the ground were two buckets. One by a chair and one in the corner. Above the buckets on the ceiling were small paper towels with some water stains on them. Bonz-eye assumed there were leaks in this little pit, and Howlarp was trying to stop them. He had already sat down on one of the chairs.
"Go ahead and take a seat. We both need to know about each other." Howlarp said to them. The two hesitated before sitting down. The chairs were strangely comfy!
"Alright," He began, "So you were both infected by my cookies?" Burgertron shook his hhead.
"No no. I was infected by them. But Bonz-eye wasn't." He said. Howlarp rose a brow.
"Then how was she infected then?"
"I was bitten." Bonz-Eye pulled up the sleeve on her arm. There it was, the bite mark from Burgertron. Howlarp looked at her.
"Now before you say anything, I wanted him to bite me. He didn't bite me for no reason." She pulled the sleeve back down and Howlarp gave her a shocked and confused expression.
"Why would you want to become infected?" He said.
"That's what I was wondering when she first asked me! But it was because she felt my infection was her fault. Which it wasn't." Burgertron huffed sternly. Bonz-eye would never forget that night. The first feeling of pain. The first feeling of turning.
"I see...Well another question about your infection, Burgertron. I hid the infected cookies away. How were you infected by them?" Burgertron clutched his fists angrily, looking looking the ground.
"My so called old best friend said he stole your cookies to get me infected and possibly exiled! I can't believe I considered him as a friend back then." He huffed. Howlarp blinked.
"He knew about the infection in the cookies..." He muttered. Howlarp got up angrily. "What else does he know about me?! Whoever this bot is, I need to find them. They must gave their consequences." Bonz-Eye got up.
"Calm down! I-I took care of it...I kind of lost my cool too when I figured out Spud was responsible." She said. Howlarp huffed as soon as he heard the name.
"Spud! Of course. That manipulative bot. I've heard of him before but I woukd never think he would be as evil to do that. Especially during this time of year." Burgertron tilted his head.
"What do you mean by that?" Howlarp sat back down and so did Bonz-eye.
"You don't know about the moon shifts? You two need to be caught up to date!" The two blinked.
"Listen, soon it won't just be a full moon. I made those cookies and I know for a FACT that you two also have the Half Moon Curse now."
"The what?" Burgertron said.
"The Half Moon Curse. Like the name suggests, it's a "Half Moon" curse. It means you also turn in the light of the half moon, but you only transform halfway. Hence the name. Like patches of fur, tail, claws, fangs etc. Another one is the Blue Moon. From what I know it effects all werewolves. The light of the Blue Moon prevents you from transforming for some reason. Heard from The Science Alliance that the moon is going through some weird things at these times." He explained.
"Okay okay so let me see if I'm right." Bonz-Eye began, "Half Moons cause us to change halfway and Blue Moons cause us not to change at all. Also you know the Science Alliance and I'm assuming they know you too. Anything else we need to know, Howlarp?" He frowned and flicked his tail slightly.
"You're right about me knowing about The Science Alliance and them knowing me. We have a small pact with each other. But anyway, there's one more moon..." He gulped nervously. "The Blood Moon. It's the worst one of them all. Indescribable things happen to you in the light of that moon. Or even if you look at it. You go mad. On a rampage. And if you're lucky, after the moon goes behind the clouds you regain your sanity." Burgertron and Bonz-eye gave each other a look and looked back at Howlarp.
"What happens if you aren't lucky?" Burgertron asked. Bonz-eye knew that Howlarp was trying to avoid the question. He muttered something in the language they heard when they first met him. All Bonz-eye could make out of the sentence was: "End up Pack."
"Pack?" She said. Howlarp looked up at her startled.
"Nothing! It's nothing. Now I advise you two go before your friends get worried. Besides, I have something to do. Be careful and look out for the moon shifts. Goodbye you two." He said, getting up. They both got up as well and said their goodbyes and thanks to him. As soon as they got out of the abandoned store they transformed back into their wolf forms.
"I forgot the moon was still out." Burgertron chuckled a bit. Bonz-eye nodded.
"Howlarp is right. We should get back before anyone gets worried. Besides, he was a pretty good fighter." She said, her hind leg limping a bit from the attack. "Now I think Howlarp might be right about the moon shishifts. We should look out for them. Especially the Blood Moon. Or else we'll end up like The pack...Whoever they are."

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