Not Used To It Yet (7)

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"What's gonna happen to me?" Burgertron looked at DimLit. It was the next night. A full moon this time, and Burgertron and Bonz-eye had told DimLit the news. It was clear DimLit was terrified, and who wouldn't be? He heard how painful it would be at first, but DimLit would soon experience the unimaginable pain.
"Don't worry. It's all going to be okay." Burgertron reassured him. But would he? Would he really be okay?
"I-I'm scared..." DimLit whimpered. Burgertron hugged him.
"I was too. Don't be scared buddy. Me and Bonz-eye will show you the ropes! It's not that bad once you get used to it." DimLit just looked down and Burgertron frowned. How could Howlarp do this?

"So you want me to help you with the werewolf stuff?" Clogstopper asked. Kikmee nodded.
"With DimLit being a werewolf now, he's probably going to start acting weird too." Clogstopper went wide eyed.
"DimLits a werewolf?!"
"Shush! Someone will hear us! Nobody can know yet, okay?" She said sternly.
"But if nobody is supposed to know then why are you telling me? And how do you know?" Kikmee nearly face palmed but instead took a deep but annoyed sigh.
"Outside of The Lost Bots I mean." Clogstopper nodded like he understood.
"Okay that makes more sense. But how can I help anyway?"
"Find other clues about this Howlarp guy." She told him. Clogstopper blinked confusingly.
"The bot who clawed DimLit."
"DimLit was clawed?!"
"...Yeah? It happened last night. How did you not know this??"
"I wasn't in the last chapter!"
Kikmee stared back at him.
"Oh. Right. Well anyway are you up to helping me to find more out about Howlarp?" Clogstopper shrugged.
"I guess so. I mean if Light suddenly made me an important character I have to come in somewhere."
"Great!" Kikmee smiled. "But stop breaking the fourth wall. How do you even do that in a fanfiction?"
"This fanfiction has a second book!"
"Okay that's a good point. Anyway we need to go find Howlarp!" So they both went off to find Howlarp, and hopefully not get infected.

DimLit was anxious to go to Howlarp for help. He was the one who had infected him. Bonz-eye didn't think it was a good idea either, but Burgertron insisted they needed his help. So that's where they were headed. Luckily for DimLit, it was a very cloudy night. The moon wouldn't be out, so he wouldn't transform. DimLit was also scared of the transformation. He didn't want to go through all that pain.
"Guys, I'm not so sure about this." DimLit said as soon as they stopped in front of the closed store where Howlarp lived. Bonz-eye looked at Burgertron.
"I agree with DimLit. How can Howlarp help him? He gave us info on the cookie infections. Not Claw infections. You bit me, so that doesn't really count." Burgertron sighed.
"If he can help both of us, he can help DimLit."
"He was very hostile around him!"
"Because he didn't know DimLit was one of us!"
"He should have known because of his scent! DimLit has the same scent as us!"
"But they came in through the tunnel! It covered up his scent!"
"Howlarp should have still been able to know it was DimLit! Dark or not, werewolves have good vision! Night vision too!"
"He should still be able to help us!"
"We can handle it ourselves, Burgertron! Howlarp can help us and we can help DimLit!" The two kept arguing and arguing. But then it seemed like their wolf sides kind of showed. The side effects they talked about sometimes began to kick in. Fangs and sharp claws. Their eyes were like their wolf eyes, and they were acting hostile toward each other. It was rare to see the two fighting like thisA Eventually, DimLit stepped in.
"Stop it you two! Stop fighting, now!" Burgertron and Bonz-eye looked at him surprised. Another rare thing was DimLit yelling. He took a step back nervously.
"I...I'm sorry. But you two need to stop fighting. Please. Howlarp infected me on accident, sure, but I really don't want to talk to him about werewolf stuff. Just you two. I don't fully trust him yet..." He told them. The two gave each other a sorry glance, and realized the side effects had come in.
"Oh geez...I guess they're also triggered when we're mad...We're sorry DimLit." Bonz-Eye apologized, having her claws and fangs go away and her eyes turn back to normal.
"Yeah, I'm sorry too. It's definitely up to you who you want to see for help in being a werewolf." Burgertron did the same with his physical side effects, and gave his apologetic look to DimLit.
"It's okay...Now can we head back?" They both nodded and started walking back to the Lost and Found.

Kikmee lead Clogstopper to the second floor, looking around.
"From what I remember, it should be somewhere around here." Kikmee told him, walking ahead. She then stopped in front of a store that was dark inside and closed. Clogstopper seemed only a little scared.
"That's where this Howlarp guy is? Not as bad as I expected to be honest." He shrugged. Kikmee nodded. She knew Clogstopper was the most laid back out of the Lost Bots, so he probably wouldn't mind. She just needed to have neither of them get infected. She opened the door and walked in with Clogstopper behind her, calling out.
"Howlarp! It's me, Kikmee! One of the Lost Bots. I'm here with another Lost Bot Clogstopper. We need to ask you some things!" After that it was quiet for a moment. But then something shuffled toward them. He stood above the two, looking down at them with his blue eyes. He poked his wolf like head out of the shadows, startling Clogstopper a little bit. His fangs glistened in the dim, dark, green and ominous light of the store.
"Hello Kikmee. What is it you needed?"

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