Exploration (1)

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"Burgertron! Come on are you ready yet?" A voice called from below the cubbies.
"I'm coming, Bonz-eye! Give me a minute!"
It had been about a month ever since Spud came and exposed Burgertron to everyone. However since that night, none of the bots have been scared of him. Being a werewolf wasn't all that bad anymore. Turning barely even hurt now. He was so used to it. But he was glad he wasn't alone in being a werewolf. Bonz-eye had gotten herself bitten by Burgertron due to her thinking him getting infected was all her fault. In the end when they figured out Spud had infected them, Bonz-eye attacked him and sent him back to The Dark Side of the Mall. Burgertron still had wondered why those cookies were made in the first place by a bot in the Pet Mob named Howlarp. Howlarp had made the cookies in the past and tested them out. However those cookies had made him a werewolf, and he had been keeping the secret for as long as any bot could remember. Howlarp was extremely mysterious to every bot, but everyone knew that something had happened which made him hide away. Burgertron assumed it was the cookies that made him hide away, but he wasn't one hundred percent sure of that. It could have been something else. Something else he didn't know about.
"You ready?" Bonz-Eye asked him. He nodded. He knew what she meant. The two ran out into the moonlight and turned into their wolf forms, howling out. As soon as they were finished transforming, they looked at each other.
"Is it just me or does turning barely hurt anymore?" She asked.
"It's not just you. I can't even feel the pain very much anymore! It's great though. I hated that feeling." Burgertron sighed. The transformation used to feel like every single feeling of pain they could go through. But after transforming many times they had gotten used to it.
"Hey guys! I see you've finished turning." Someone said.
"Yup! Glad we've gotten used to it, Kikmee!" Bonz-eye smiled. Kikmee was one of the Lost Bots who had helped Burgertron keep his werewolf secret. When Bonz-eye became a werewolf too, she helped keep it secret from DimLit and Clogstopper, the other two Lost Bots.
"So it doesn't hurt anymore?" Burgertron shook his head.
"Nope! Well it only hurts a little bit. Like small cramps."
"I see. But I thought only one of you had the turning shift tonight?" Kikmee asked. Ever since since other Bots knew about the werewolf stuff, Bonz-eye and Burgertron had volunteered to look out for Dave, especially with the heightened senses. They knew that Dave wouldn't tell anyone, but not everyone thought he was telling the truth.
"Well tonight we get a break! So we decided to both turn and explore the mall in these forms. Maybe we can find some cool stuff we haven't seen before!" Burgertron told her. She smiled with a nod.
"That's great! You two have fun with that!" Kikmee said. It was obvious she wanted to come, but she probably thought she would fall behind since she wasn't a werewolf.
"You want to come, don't you?" Bonz-Eye asked. Kikmee nodded.
"I really do! But I don't think I can. This is werewolf stuff. And I'm no werewolf."
"I guess that makes sense...If you say so, then we're gonna head off. See you later!" Burgertron said, starting to walk off. Kikmee waved them goodbye and they all walked off.
"What do you think we'll find?" Burgertron said curiously.
"I don't know. We might not even find anything. But if we do, maybe it'll uncover some secrets about this place." Bonz-Eye replied, looking ahead. They were just walking around when Bonz-eye stopped and sniffed the air.
"I have a scent...A weird one..." She said. Burgertron tilted his head before also sniffing the air.
"I smell it too. What is it?"
"I don't know. Cmon!" She ran ahead along with Burgertron before they stopped at the door of a store. It seemed dark and abandoned inside. The door has some old caution tape on it, and the windows were too foggy to see into. Burgertron took a step back with a small whimper.
"Okay uh...I reeeeally don't want to look for something cool in a dark and abandoned place, Bonz-eye. Especially with the weird scent being strong here." He said.
"What. Are you scared?" Bonz-Eye smirked. "It's not like the Burgertron I know to be scared." He scoffed and stepped forward again, glaring slightly at her.
"I'm not scared! W-Watch me." He jumped onto his hind legs and clawed away the caution tape. He forced the door open with his paws and smiled at her with confidence.
"See? I'm not scared!" Burgertron said proudly.
"You're not?"
"Then lead the way." Burgertron gulped and looked ahead. The Dark and abandoned store gave off eerie vibes to both of them. His tail went between his legs and he walked ahead, leading the way. All the two could hear were the rusty air ducts, their claws tapping against the ground and their breathing. Suddenly, they heard a rustle. Burgertron looked around to see where the sound had come from. Bonz-eye seemed cautious too. When there was another rustle, she pulled out the katana with her fangs. Over the month she had learned how to grab it in wolf form. When Burgertron took one for step forward, a shadowy figure lunged at him, tackling him to the ground. They both yelped in surprise and shock. Bonz-eye went toward the shadowy figure and tried to attack them with her katana. The figure dodged her attacks and threw her to the ground. When they were both on the ground, the figure began to speak a language they could slightly understand.
They couldn't make much out.
"What you two want? Why here?"
"We were just exploring! Why did you attack us?!" Burgertron yelped. The figures eyes went wide. Then he spoke a sentence that made more sense.
"You aren't wild animals? Huh...I apologize deeply." Bonz-Eye got up with her katana ready.
"I'm not scared of you. Now answer my question: What do you want?" He said aggressively.
"We're not here to hurt you, whoever you are. We were just exploring to find some secrets around the mall!" Burgertron said getting up. The figure seemed more easy now and sighed.
"I can sense you're telling the truth...Once again, I'm sorry for attacking you." Bonz-Eye wasn't amused by this.
"We answered your question, now answer mine. Who are you and why did you think we were wild animals?" She snarled.
"I thought the pack came back to get revenge on me...But anyway I'm pretty sure you know me if you're werewolves too." He pulled his hood down off his head.
"The names Howlarp. Who are you two?"

Salty Fur [BOOK 2] (BB Werewolf fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें